Formatting your essay
Add a heading In the UPPER LEFT corner – DOUBLE SPACED Name Teacher Class Date (should be written as 21 December 2016) ** This should only be on the first page. NOTE: This is NOT written as a heading (in the heading section)!
Add a header In the UPPER RIGHT corner (Insert – page number) Last Name Page Number Cryderman 1 ** This should be on every page
Appearance Double space the entire text of essay (ctrl+2 OR doublespace icon on toolbar OR format+spacing) Choose a plain font (like Arial or Times New Roman) The entire essay is size 12—no bigger, no smaller – EVEN THE TITLE Make sure you have standard margins
Format your title Centered Capitalize important words Not bolded Not underlined No wordart Same font and size as the rest of the essay
Authors and Titles Titles of novels are italicized NOT underlined Check spelling of novel (Pudd’nhead Wilson), author (Mark Twain), and character names
Introduction Attention getter Starts broad Mentions title and author - Mark Twain - Pudd’nhead Wilson Clear thesis statement – last sentence of introduction (subject + specific opinion you want to prove in your paper)
Check topic sentences Make sure you have used key words from thesis in topic sentences. Make sure you do not have any examples or quotations in your topic sentences. Make sure they state the purpose of the entire paragraph.
Body Paragraphs Topic Sentence Concluding Sentence Supports for topic (facts, events, quotes) Quotations connect to topic and are supported (introduced & explained) –NO FLOATING QUOTES
Quotations Check for floating quotes—a quotation must be PART of a sentence. Part of the sentence must be YOUR words. Cite your quote: (#) Period goes AFTER closing parentheses. John reveals Abigail’s intentions when he tells the court “she thinks Your own words part of quote to dance with me on my wife’s grave” (Miller 110). part of quote citation with page number Explain your quote – new insight
Conclusion Restates the thesis differently than introduction Brings closure to the essay – Ends broad No new topics
Check for run-ons and fragments Start at the end Read each sentence separately—listen for sentence structure problems Work backward through the essay
No “I” or “You” Words (Except in Quotes) Click the “Find” function under the home tab Type “I” Check “find whole words only” Click “Find Next” Any time you have the word I, replace it or rewrite the sentence Repeat the above steps for “you”
Homonym check Check for words you tend to misuse 10th grade non-negotiables Common offenders: Then/than Effect/affect Their/there/they’re Wednesday at midnight ID: 14248009 ID:14248016 Submit your paper to by Wednesday at midnight 3rd Hour 5th Hour ID: 14248009 ID:14248016 PW: LA103 PW:LA105