Ventilation of septum removed (SR)- (triangles) and sham-operated (SO)-tegus (circles) resting during the night (open symbols) and at rest and activity.


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Presentation transcript:

Ventilation of septum removed (SR)- (triangles) and sham-operated (SO)-tegus (circles) resting during the night (open symbols) and at rest and activity during the day (filled symbols). Ventilation of septum removed (SR)- (triangles) and sham-operated (SO)-tegus (circles) resting during the night (open symbols) and at rest and activity during the day (filled symbols). The start of exercise at 0.17 m s-1 and the beginning of the recovery period after exercise at 0.28 m s-1 are defined as zero. Exercise at 0.17 m s-1 (grey bar) was terminated after 5 min, whereas exercise at 0.28 m s-1 (black bar) lasted until exhaustion of the animal. EO2, oxygen extraction; VBO2, oxygen uptake per breath; V̇O2, oxygen consumption; V̇E/V̇O2, air convection requirement. Values are means ± s.e.m., N=5. *Significantly different (P≤0.05) from all other values of a group; xsignificantly different (P≤0.05) from the pre-exercise; #significantly different (P≤0.05) from 0.17 m s-1; ‡significantly different (P≤0.05) from 0.28 m s-1. btps, body temperature, barometric pressure saturated; stpd, standard temperature and pressure, dry. Wilfried Klein et al. J Exp Biol 2003;206:2135-2143 © The Company of Biologists Limited 2003