Ms. Andrea’s Newsletter May 2019 What We’re Learning: May is finally here! We have been talking about the different seasons and what we wear when it is hot and cold. We continue to focus on those preschool skills to help everyone prepare for kindergarten. Keep counting with your children and reading with/to them. We are going to be exploring plants and their life cycles this month. The plan it to do some planting, but with my brown thumb, I’m not sure how well they will grow. I promise we will try very hard! We also have caterpillars for the class. They will hopefully turn into butterflies for us to release. Our Schedule: The morning class has a very consistent routine. We have added a few little “hiccups” to the day to help them adjust to change. They are doing a wonderful job The afternoon class is going to be visiting kindergarten all month long. We are going to be visiting different classrooms to see a variety of activities. We are also going to be eating lunch in the cafeteria a few times a week. This will be a good introduction to what they will experience next year. As a reminder, I will be doing the kindergarten screenings for our rising kindergarten students. You don’t have to make a separate appointment Special Announcements: There are no new announcements this month. Just a few reminders. You may notice that we focus a lot each week on kind words, conflict resolution, etc. These are some of the most important things we can teach them at this age. My goal is to help each child learn how to work with their peers. If they can master this skill they will accomplish great things! We will try to get outside everyday. If it seems a little cool please send in a light jacket/sweater for your child to wear. We will also be going through the spare outfits at school to see if anything needs to be exchanged for warmer weather clothes. As always, please make sure the clothes and jackets you send in are labeled with your child’s name. We have been using chalk and bubbles lately so I apologize if your child comes home in an outfit that was not as clean as when you put it on them. Please continue to check your child’s red folder daily. This is the best place to find out about their day. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Don’t forget to read with your child! Thank you for your support! Ms. Andrea, Ms. Lisa, Ms. Marti, and Ms. Darlene Important Dates: May 18th-Cougarpalooza-I’ll be in there in some way May 24th-Early Release (This is a Friday but in case you have older May 287th-No School Memorial Day Birthdays: AM Class No birthdays PM Class Levi May 2nd Caleb May 6th @ Rachel Thorp 2013