Indicators to supplement the ILO unemployment rate
Background Discussion on the indicator ‘unemployment rate’ in some countries in 2007/2008 Ongoing work in Member States Recommendations of the TF on the Quality of the LFS
What is the issue? ILO employed ILO unemployed ILO inactive
The approach chosen ILO employed ILO unemployed ILO inactive Indicators that are compatible with ILO concepts - ’halos of unemployment’ Measures to be based on available LFS data - implementation feasible
Final objective ESS agreement on a list of supplementary indicators => Strong commitment needed from all those involved
Dedicated Task Force Intense work during in 2009 and 2010 Recommendations List of indicators Suggestions for further work in view of future extensions
Supplementary indicators recommended by the Task Force Underemployed persons (employed persons wanting to work more hours and available to do so) 1.1. Underemployed part-time workers 1.2. Underemployed full-time workers Potential labour force (PLF) 2.1. PLF not available (jobless job seekers not available to start work soon) 2.2. PLF not seeking (jobless persons wanting to work and available, but not seeking)
Task Force suggestions for further work Harmonising the measurement of the self-perceived main status Measurement of transitions between labour statuses
Discussion at LAMAS Full support for the work done by the Task Force Need to look into a few issues - conceptual fine-tuning - indicator names - overarching indicator
The way forward Discussion with Member States continues over the coming months Eurostat proposal to the LAMAS working group in December 2010 Opinion of the DSS in March 2011 ___________ Work on self-perceived main status and labour transitions to be launched in 2011