Is Religion Changing? Will it survive? How religious are we?
HOMEWORK Research reasons why people still believe in Religion. Have at least three reasons. Has science/scandals affected people’s religious belief?
Today’s lesson will be successful if we: Demonstrate an understanding of the place of religion in Ireland today. Gain insight into growing communities of faith today. Identify the key areas of growth in religious communities today.
Have a look at these statistics. What is changing?
Definitions Secular: attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis. Secularisation: the process of changing something so that it is no longer under the control of or influenced by religion
What do the statistics say? In pairs, look at the table outlining the changes in religious belief over time. Answer the following questions/ What do you notice? Is this source reliable? Do you agree?
Think/Pair/Share Be ready to justify your opinion! Some people believe that because of secularisation, religion will disappear. What do you think? Think/Pair/Share Be ready to justify your opinion!
Will religion survive? Yes No