Instructions This will be used as a guided notes/answer sheet for the activities in this lesson. When directed by the teacher, fill in appropriate answers right on the slide (not in the notes section). Save the file with your lastname.lastname.class number.5 concepts IE: Cartman.Brovlofski.7B.5concepts
Five Key Questions Ad Analysis Notes Names: Class: Five Key Questions Ad Analysis Notes
Ask the Five Questions! Who created this message? What creative techniques are used to attract my attention? How might different people understand this message differently from me? What lifestyles, values and points of view are represented in, or omitted from, this message? Why is this message being sent?
Key Concept #1 - Authorship Ask yourself: Who created this message?
Key Concept #2 -Format What creative components are used in putting it together? Do you notice Words? Music? Color? Camera angle? Shapes? Size? Props, sets, clothing? Composition? Lighting?
Key Concept #2 -Format:How is the story told visually? Where is the camera? What is the viewpoint? What are people doing? Are there any symbols? Visual metaphors?
Key Concept #2 -Format What's the emotional appeal? What persuasive devices (commonly used persuasive techniques) are used? What makes it seem "real?"
What is the “target” group’s Age? Gender? Education? Key Concept #3 -Audience: How might different people understand this message differently from me? What is the “target” group’s Age? Gender? Education? Cultural upbringing? How do you know?
Key Concept #3 -Audience Have you ever experienced anything like this in your life? How close is this portrayal to your experience?
Key Concept #4 - Content Ask yourself: What lifestyles, values and points of view are represented in, or omitted from, this message?
Key Concept #4 - Content What kinds of behaviors / consequences are depicted? What type of person is the reader / watcher / listener invited to identify with?
Key Concept #4 - Content What ideas or values are being "sold" to us in this message? What judgments or statements are made about how we treat other people? What ideas or perspectives are left out?
Key Concept #5 - Purpose Why is this message being sent? Is it for: Money? Ego? Ideology?