Multi-Beneficiary IPA programmes Torbiörn Carlquist, Eurostat PGSC, Skopje Oct 2013
IPA 2009 MBP 5 grants successfully implemented Final reports were sent in Feb./March 2013 Recovery orders MK, RS, TR Two lots of the service contract implemented Problems with quality of reports and with delays Lot 1 (support to AL,BA,ME,XK) finalised Lot 2 (support to grants) final report still pending In total, 447 participants from NSIs in activities 34 expert missions to NSIs PGSC, Skopje Oct 2013
IPA 2010 MBP Grant to Iceland with 2 Data Collection Projects Population and housing census Agriculture statistics Finalised successfully in spring 2013 Final report submitted July 2013 Payment done PGSC, Skopje Oct 2013
IPA 2011 MBP 5 grants under implementation until June 2014 Proceeding according to plan One service contract under implementation 552 participants from NSIs in activities during first year (Oct 2012-Sep 2013 PGSC, Skopje Oct 2013
IPA 2012 MBP 4 grant contracts will be signed Oct/Nov 2013 Several rounds of revising the applications July-September 2013 Iceland was initially invited to apply, but due to a Commission decision, this invitation had to be withdrawn Implementation until November 2015 A service contract is in the process of being awarded Oct 2013 PGSC, Skopje Oct 2013
Financial overview (EUR1000) Grants committed spent not spent IPA 2009 3515 2992 522 IPA 2010 1000 963 37 IPA 2011 4961 2446 n.a. IPA 2012 (4913) Service contracts IPA 2009 2385 2140 245 IPA 2010 - IPA 2011 3197 1591 n.a. IPA 2012 (<4500) PGSC, Skopje Oct 2013
Future IPA MBP No IPA 2013 MBP IPA II for the period 2014-2020 IPA 2014 MBP will have to be designed by Eurostat with more result orientation of projects IPA 2014 MBP funding still under discussion Tentatively, DCPs will be discussed with thematic units of Eurostat during 4th quarter 2013 Monitoring of results will become more important PGSC, Skopje Oct 2013