Employee Travel Procedures Payroll Services Employee Travel Procedures and Forms
Travel Regulations and Procedures Manual Before any travel, always refer to the Travel procedures to ensure you are following the established guidelines per CCSD and the State of Georgia. Procedure manuals are located on the Financial Services University website under each subject. Two ways to access: Form Bank http://support.cobbk12.org/formbank/ Main CCSD website under Employees tab http://www.cobbk12.org/centraloffice/finance/university/
Travel Procedures Manual Pre-Authorization for Travel Eligible Meals Lodging Use of personal vehicle, rental car, or public transportation Miscellaneous travel expenses Prepaid Travel Expenses Reimbursement Procedures Procedures for Employee Groups Local Mileage Reimbursement Restrictions on Procurement Card use for Travel IRS requirements regarding travel reimbursements
All Forms must be obtained from the Financial Services Form Bank Go to the Financial Services Intranet Support Page to view /print the most current travel forms: http://support.cobbk12.org/formbank/
Travel Forms should always: Be retrieved from the Form Bank to ensure they are the most up to date forms Do NOT use old forms or forms previously saved to your computer as forms are subject to updates during the year All forms must be TYPED All signatures should be signed in ink other than black Completed Originals should be routed to Payroll Services for county-funded or grant-funded trips Copies should be kept for YOUR records
Tips to Planning Out-of-town Travel Refer to the Travel Procedures manual for specific details pertaining to any Out-of-town/ Overnight travel prior to the event Plan at least 8 weeks in advance to allow plenty of time for the signatory approval process to take place prior to the travel event If staying in a Georgia hotel, CCSD is exempt from paying county or municipal excise tax and state sales and use tax Traveler must provide the hotel with the two certificates of exemption when making reservation and upon arrival: 1. FS-137 Certificate of Exemption for county or municipal excise tax 2. ST-5 State Sales and Use Tax Certificate of Exemption Out-of-town travel requires multiple forms and authorizations prior to and upon return to finalize trip with Financial Services
Tips to Planning Local Travel Refer to Chapter 4 of the Travel Procedures manual for specific details pertaining to Local Travel mileage reimbursement Mileage Reimbursement Rate for travel period Determining business miles traveled Mileage Calculator located on Form Bank Prohibited Mileage Reimbursement Parking Fees and Tolls Required documentation IRS requirements regarding travel reimbursements
Contacts for Travel Procedures Please contact Payroll Services prior to the travel event regarding any questions about the Travel Procedures, forms or authorizations. Primary Contact: Payroll Travel Representative 770-426-3338 Additional Contacts: Rhonda Elsberry, Payroll Accountant 770-420-4938 or Rhonda.Elsberry@cobbk12.org Kim Coonfield, Manager, Payroll Services 770-426-3502 or Kimberly.coonfield@cobbk12.org