Exp. 3A real-time results from two participants (TR1 and TR2) with below-elbow amputations peeling and reapplying electrodes during stimulation. Exp. 3A real-time results from two participants (TR1 and TR2) with below-elbow amputations peeling and reapplying electrodes during stimulation. Upon stimulation with and without the controller, the participants were asked to peel back and reapply the electrodes within 10 s by 25, 50, and 75%, pausing for 5 s in between. (A and B) Rp increases as the electrodes were peeled back. (C and D) I and (E and F) T remain constant when the controller is not used but are modulated in response to changes in Rp when the controller is used. In both cases, (G and H) mE remains constant because it does not depend on Rp. In (I) and (J), mQ varies greatly when the controller is not use. When the controller is in use, I and T are modulated to keep mQ constant. The participants reported no change in sensation intensity when using the controller, but reported discomfort when peeling back the electrodes without the controller. The means and SDs for both participants over five trials are shown. Aadeel Akhtar et al. Sci. Robotics 2018;3:eaap9770 Copyright © 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works