First Grade By: Melissa Day The Battle of Flowers First Grade By: Melissa Day
TEKS SS §113.3. Social Studies, Grade 1. (b) Knowledge and skills. (2) History. The student understands the origins of customs, holidays, and celebrations. The student is expected to: (A) describe the origins of selected customs, holidays, and celebrations of the community, state, and nation (B) compare the observance of holidays and celebrations, past and present (13) Citizenship. The student understands important customs, symbols, and celebrations that represent American beliefs and principles and contribute to our national identity. The student is expected to: (A) explain selected national and state patriotic symbols such as the U.S. and Texas flags, the Liberty Bell, and the Alamo
TEKS LA § English Language Arts and Reading. Grade 1 (b) Knowledge and skills. (12) Reading/comprehension. The student uses a variety of strategies to comprehend selections read aloud and selections read independently. The student is expected to: (A) use prior knowledge to anticipate meaning and make sense of texts (C) retell or act out the order of important events in stories (E) draw and discuss visual images based on text descriptions (G) identify similarities and differences across texts such as in topics, characters, and problems
TEKS FA §117.5. Art, Grade 1. §117.7 Theatre, Grade 1. (b) Knowledge and skills. (2) Creative expression/performance. The student expresses ideas through original artworks, using a variety of media with appropriate skill. The student is expected to: (A) invent images that combine a variety of colors, forms, and lines (B) place forms in orderly arrangement to create designs §117.7 Theatre, Grade 1. (4) Historical/cultural heritage. The student relates theatre to history, society, and culture. The student is expected to: (A) imitate life experiences from various historical periods in dramatic play
Materials Needed Art supplies for projects Texas Alphabet Glue, construction paper, scissors, tissue paper, glitter, pipe cleaners, balloons, shoe boxes, poster board, markers, crayons Texas Alphabet Tumbleweed Tom on the Texas Trail The Story of Texas Part 2: Independence Texas Jack at the Alamo Susanna of the Alamo The Alamo Internet and Projector
Book Covers
Time For Lesson 8 Schooldays long April 17-20, 23-26 Friday, April 20th field trip to the Alamo Friday, April 27th No School for Battle of Flowers
Tuesday April 17, 2007 Go over the state information (capital, bird, motto, etc) Students would be given an option to make a poster of all of the State Information to be hung on the wall if they wanted to Review some Texas history and culture Have students get in their Literature Circles and read one of the two books. Texas Alphabet By: James Rice Tumbleweed Tom on the Texas Trail By: Jackie Hopkins
Differentiation Special needs would read Texas Alphabet with a prerecorded tape Gifted and Talented would read The Story of Texas Part 2: Independence
Poster Example "Texas Our Texas" Friendship The Lone Star State
Permission Slips Due for Field Trip on Friday Wednesday April 18, 2007 Have students do a Book Talk over their book about Texas Finish up talking about Texas history and start focusing on the Battle of the Alamo Start off by KWL on the Alamo Read Texas Jack at the Alamo By: James Rice This would be done out loud to the students with a comprehension strategy Permission Slips Due for Field Trip on Friday
Thursday April 19, 2007 Have students get in their literature circles and discuss Susanna of the Alamo By: John Jakes Have students think about the major sites and areas that they want to look for on Friday when they visit the Alamo
Differentiation For Gifted students, instead of reading Susanna, have them read The Alamo By: Leonard Fisher as a group
Fiesta San Antonio Official Opening Ceremony Friday April 20, 2007 Go on a field trip to the Alamo Listen to the presentation speaker that is at the Alamo Have them see where everything took place Fiesta San Antonio Official Opening Ceremony
Monday April 23, 2007 Finish up the KWL on the Alamo Introduce The Battle of Flowers History Events that will be going on throughout the week
Differentiation Gifted and Talented Research and look up very old newspaper articles starting back in 1836 when Texas had gained independence and see if you can find anything
Tuesday April 24, 2007 Have students compare the Battle of the Alamo to the Battle of Flowers This can be done in skit, poster board, essay, or however they want to Must have 3 points as to how they are the same Must have 3 points as to how they are different Have students start to brain storm how they want their float to be decorated
Differentiation Special Needs Gifted and Talented Has to have 1 way how they are the same and 1 way how they are different (or) From a list of choices picks how they are the same and different Gifted and Talented Has to have more than three points each
Wednesday April 25, 2007 Have the students decorate a shoe box into a float This is going to be for the mock Battle of Flowers parade While this is going on have last years Battle of Flowers parade playing so the students can look at it to get ideas
Differentiation Special Needs Gifted and Talented For float making have them paired up with someone for extra help Have float ideas for them to pick from Have pieces already cut out for them to glue on Gifted and Talented Give them the requirement for 3-D decorations
Thursday April 26, 2007 Have our mock Battle of Flowers parade where each kid has their float and they get to throw flowers as they walk past their float Have floats displayed in the library
Assessment Assess their understanding when doing the lit circles Extra points for doing a poster of Texas information Attendance and participation points for going to the Alamo Grade the Compare and Contrast presentation The float can be graded too