Things Fall Apart Week 2: Sept. 22-25
Do Now Pick up the grammar review in our pick up tray on the way to your assigned desk Have out next to you: Your grammar homework Your grammar notes Your literature circles organizer I will be coming by your desk to check the first three for completion as you work so please make sure they are visible. If they aren’t, I will assume they aren’t done.
Objectives Agenda Reminders! We will review our literature circles work We will synthesize the information that we have gathered through our discussions and our reading in order to write a one-paragraph character analysis. Grammar Review Character discussion Timed writing Reminders! Grammar test tomorrow Multiple choice test on Ch. 1-4 tomorrow Vocabulary test tomorrow
Character Discussion Please make sure to have all of your literature circles organizer completely filled in by tomorrow!
Character Poster Brainstorming Please do some brainstorming on the back of your Key Scene 1 organizer. Answer these questions: What colors would best represent your character? What colors come to mind when you consider your character's personality? What figurative language was used to describe your character in the novel? What are your character’s most defining characteristics? What are the quotes/events that occurred in the novel that stood out to you most about your character?
Homework Bring any supplies that you need for your poster by tomorrow. You will have some class time to work but you time will be limited. Posters are due Friday. Study for your grammar and multiple choice reading test for tomorrow.
Do Now Please pick up your grammar test on the way to your seat. Do Not get started yet. You may review your notes/practices/annotations until we get started.
Objectives Agenda Reminders! We will take our grammar, vocabulary, and multiple choice literary tests. We will synthesize the information we have gathered and analyzed into Toulmin paragraphs in a creative, visual expression of our chosen characters. Tests Discussion of characters Interactive Notebook Organization Poster Work Time Theme organizer and discussion of themes in our novel Class reading of Chapters 5-6. Reminders!
Take your grammar and vocabulary test When you are finished… Turn in your tests to the class “turn in” tray Please add the following to your notebook in the appropriate section. See Ms. Doudy’s example upfront if needed Section 1 Literature Circles: staple so that you can flip them open. Should be right after your Character Chart Section 2 Your grammar practice: staple directly to the back of your subject/predicate notes Section 3 Your literary terms: Staple onto a brand new page (This section won’t need a table of contents) If you finish the above organization, you may begin to work on your posters.
Poster Organization and Work Time
Class Reading of Ch. 5-6 As you read, please be annotating for theme. The themes we will be analyzing for this novel are: Fate/Destiny Cultural obligations or expectations Justice Gender Roles Clash of cultures European colonization