What Has Tall Pines School Done That has Empowered You as a Leader? Points of Discussion: The Expedition L.I.T Summer Camp The Zone Overall What Has Tall Pines School Done That has Empowered You as a Leader? Olivia Bouchard Zone 7a
The Expedition Look it’s us The Expedition taught me a lot. One thing that stuck out was team-work. We couldn’t eat dinner unless all of our tents were put up. The fun house tent did not go up as easy as the others ,so we all pitched in and the tent went up. We all helped prepare dinner or wash dishes or gather fire wood to keep the fire alive. It was rewarding. We all bonded because we became a team. The team grew stronger everyday that we were together and accomplished something. Whether it be as small as finding some dry wood or as big as completing our longest portage in a quick time. Look it’s us
L.I.T COOPERATION: L.I.T taught us all how to cooperate. We played games which taught us all how to communicate and cooperate with each other. I believe that this is a big part of leadership. LEADERSHIP: L.I.T taught us so many life lessons. Cooperation, communication, sportsmanship, etc. All these things create a leader. L.I.T summer camp showed us how a leader acts. I learned that leader’s are not dictators. L.I.T taught us what kind of leader’s get a response and how to be a good leader.
The zone : The zone is where we become young adults (teenagers) We are learning about who we really are. One thing we are taught is leadership. We are taught by our teachers to become leaders and take action. We are told to act like adults not children. We should do thigs without being asked. We are becoming leaders.
All These Things Have Empowered and Taught Me Tall Pines School Taught Me: To become responsible How to cooperate with others How to communicate with others The importance of honesty The importance of confidence The importance of kindness All These Things Have Empowered and Taught Me How to Become a Good Leader