Disease Prevention: Ecuador Ms. Brandi Crivello Picture: Cattle grazing in the amazon basin.
Cattle Sector Comparison: US vs. Ecuador Numbers Ecuador (2015 values): 4.5 Billion Head (dairy and beef) Land: 276,841 square kilometers. (The size of Nevada) 4.85 hectares are used for cattle production (67% of these hectares are are cultivated pastures) Figures from USDA Foreign Ag Services: Gain Report 2015. Picture: Using clean-up bulls for dual purpose to cultivate for potatoes or quinoa. Two common high elevation crops. Technology Talking Point: At such high elevations (13,800’), with steep ground using cattle and horses to cultivate is a common practice. Does this mean that technology and advancements in agriculture are absent? Why or why not? Can traditional practices play a role in Agri-CULTURE?
Otavalo Livestock Market
Trends: Using US Standards US Dairy Bulls are the number one import of Dairy Bull semen in Ecuador Crossed Holstein with Native cattle for hybrid vigor: Crilloyo (crossbred) Hardiness of native breeds and milking qualities of US Holsteins The US is one of only two countries who currently have an export protocol for live cattle to Ecuador. There is an expected 20,000 - 30,000 head import total by the end of 2018. The import number is over 3 year span.
Crossbred Cattle at Livestock Market Costs: Calves: $90, Cow $700, Bull: $1100 Talking Points: How does this compare to US cattle prices? They sell by the head (value per) we sell by the CWT. What are the costs/benefits of each. Structure/Composition: What traits are obvious to the Holstein? What traits appear to be that of native breeds? Ecuador has a high elevation: Why might purebred cattle such as Holstein struggle in this environment?
Import and Export of Live cattle ECUADOR REQUIREMENTS: AGROCALIDAD (National Animal Health Authority) for the import of Agriculture Products into Ecuador. The ranch and or/country of origin (US) must be registered with AGROCALIDAD UNITED STATES: WHO: USDA/Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services (APHIS) require a health certificate for export from US. Similar for Semen and Embryos Transferred out of US - Also requires a Health Certificate WHY: Prevent spread of DISEASE - Prevention is always cheaper than treatment Why would Ecuador choose Holstien smen from the US as a primary semen source? How is technology such as artificial insemination helping improve agriculture in other countries? Why do we still need native breeds?
Export to Ecuador Why would Ecuador concentrate on: Angus, Brahman, and Holstein? Why use TEXAS and FLORIDA as a source of cattle to SA? (think heat, bugs, terrain, hardiness).
Health Issues: Foot and Mouth Partners World Health Organization for Animal Health (OIE) Ecuadorian Government GOAL: Foot and Mouth Disease Free Designation HOW: Vaccination, Import US Cattle $2/vaccine Government Subsidy reduces cost to $0.60 per vaccine Eradication of cattle with Foot and Mouth was established in 2015
Foot and Mouth Eradication
Foot and Mouth: Livestock Markets Livestock Markets in Ecuador: Each Transaction Requires: Transportation Requirement: each animal gets a slip with driver license number of driver Foot and Mouth Vaccination - Certification is required Fines: No Vaccination Certification: $386 Wild or Disruptive Animals - will receive a fine Livestock market gets $1 per each Animal Sold. Prior to showing the next few slides. Ask students to observe any differences in handling, breeds, market set-up, etc, than they would typically see at a market/auction in the US.
Crossbred Cows. Each cow/bull is on a rope. In fact if you forgot a rope/halter at home there is a whole section in the market to purchase one. There is a variety of colors and sizes. You can see some of the indigenous clothing that is traditional in Ecuador. Animals are tied or held by owner.
A good look at the crossbred cows including another popular breed: Normandy Talking point: Why would normandy be a popular breed?
Calves Some calves are allowed to scukle and some are not at the market. As a seller/buyer what would be the reasoning for both?
Check out the grates in the picture to the right Check out the grates in the picture to the right. Notice anything missing? The animals aren't the reason for watching your step.
Health Issues: Carbunco (Anthrax) THE GREEN TAG: Carbunco Vaccination: Combo between Anthrax and Blackleg A government official has to administer the vaccination. The green tag indicates the animal has the vaccination The tag is common in dairy and beef cows The white breed pictured they call: Pisan. It is a native breed to Ecuador. Talking point: Is there a common vaccine that is given to heifers in the US that has to be administered by a veterinarian? (BANGS) Why would the government want to use only trained officials to administer this vaccination? What does anthrax look like in cattle? What is anthrax? - rod-shaped bacterium, lives in soil. Why is this a larger issue in South America than in the US/parts of US? - lack of vaccination protocol
Pharmacia Most are behind the counter Broad Spectrum Antibiotics Dewormers/Antiparasitic Vitamin/Mineral Supplements