The process of meiosis formed Some cells involved in the process of reproduction are represented in the diagram . The process of meiosis formed (1) cell 1, only (3) cell 3, only (2) cells 1 and 2 (4) cells 2 and 3
Meiosis makes cells that are different. After all, is the chromosome number the same? Look closer and you will see they are even MORE different…
During meiosis chromosomes will CROSS OVER. Crossing over means they switch the same information between themselves. Crossing over INCREASES the differences between the final sperm and egg. This is a MAIN reason why people with the same parents are not exactly alike.
Mitosis vs Meiosis One division Two cells created Normal number of Chromosomes Identical (clone) cells Regular Body Cells Two divisions Four cells created Half the normal number of Chromosomes Different cells Sex (reproductive) Cells