Have your notes out!
Why does the Vietnam War start? Why does the US get involved? Talk in your pods, be ready to answer!
Vietnam War: Effect on America
Support for the War Roughly ⅔’s of Americans supported the war Referred to as the “silent majority” Government presented the war in a positive light
First Televised War Unrestricted news coverage Brutality of the war brought home Credibility Gap Government says one thing, images say another
Agent Orange & Napalm US used these chemicals to burn down jungles to clear out the Viet Cong soldiers that were hiding out
Anti-War Movement South is corrupt in their own way, so why support them? This is a civil war, not our business. Bombing campaign starts in North Vietnam Unfair draft system Poor, minorities, and draft deferments Burn draft cards, teach-ins, anti-war marches, draft dodgers Citizens break into groups: Doves v. Hawks
“Beginning in the Fall of 1969, guys were to be drafted by lottery according to their birthday. College deferments had been eliminated the previous year. I was to learn the significance of the new draft system a couple of years later in Graduate School where we read a book entitled Little Groups of Friends and Neighbors. It was about the old Army draft system. It turned out that the draft system was very corrupt. There were draft boards in every community that decided who got drafted and the result was that draftees were disproportionately the sons of the poor, the working poor, and the nonwhite. I had believed that, if you were 18 and were not in college getting a college deferment or did not have a physical problem that made you 4-F (unable to serve in the military due to physical problems), you got drafted. That was not the way it was. Years later, upon reflection, I concluded that the expansion of the anti-war movement, which began in 1969, and the pressure from the general public, not just college students, to get out of Vietnam, was directly related to the beginning of the draft of the sons of the middle class. I still believe that.” Dwight F. Davis, “My Vietnam War Story”.
Analyze the political cartoon: What is the message?
Exit Ticket: Court Cases (do these in your notes!) Use your phone or the textbook (page 527) to look up the following court cases: Miranda v. Arizona Engel v. Vitale Tinker v. Des Moines Answer the questions: What was the court case about? How does it affect society today?