Public Service Announcement~ Depression Ruby Madero Vaughn
What is depression? Depression is a strong feeling of despondency (low spirits due to discouragement) and dejection (sad, depressed mood). Depression is a mental illness but is treated like a disease as it takes thousands on thousands of lives each year. Depression is a mental disease that not many take into account or pay attention to which needs to change.
Signs of depression Weight gain or loss Extreme mood swings Constant mood of gloominess or loss of interest/pleasure Insomnia Lack of concentration Thoughts of self harm Slowness or lack of activity/productivity Lack of energy Excessive feeling of guilt or worthlessness
Common Causes of Depression Causes of depression can range from many different things. It could be the result of a loss of sleep, watching too much tv, a bad diet, diseases, other people and their influences, or simply the way your brain is made as well as quite obviously insecurities.
Treatments for depression Treatments for depression are usually either medication or therapy, or both! The typical medications used to treat depression are usually Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (used to ease depressed mood and anxiety), Antidepressant (elevates mood and prevents depression), Anxiolytic (relieves anxiety and tension), and Antipsychotic (reduces or improves symptoms of certain psychiatric conditions). Typical therapy to help treat depression that all lean towards helping prevent harmful thoughts and habits and easing your mind through talking.
Helpful resources for friends, family, and others! Although depression for anyone can be different, helpful resources for it re basically the same for everyone, each resources consisting of the same amount of aid as the others. Popular resources for those suffering from depression are mainly organizations which are the National Institute of Mental Health, Anxiety and Depression Association of America, simply going to the therapist, and many many more things! Your friends and family can also help by reassuring you that it is OK to ask for help or be open about their feelings.
Conclusion If you or a loved one or even a coworker is suffering from depression, please do not hesitate do aid them and take this information to assist others. Thank you for listening, have a great day!