Motor control timing variables examined as shown in a representative feeding event. Motor control timing variables examined as shown in a representative feeding event. The onset of tongue projection (TP) and the time of maximal tongue projection distance (MTP) are indicated by vertical dotted lines extending through both traces. The end of the feeding event, when the tongue was fully retracted, is not depicted in these traces. Traces illustrate rectified electromyographic (EMG) signals and the r.m.s. of the signals for the m. accelerator linguae (ACC) and m. hyoglossus (HG). Open circles indicate peak r.m.s. amplitudes. Horizontal arrows indicate latencies between the onset of ACC activity and the onset of tongue projection, peak ACC amplitude and the onset of tongue projection, the onset of HG activity and maximum tongue projection, and peak HG amplitude and maximum tongue projection. Additional variables are described in the Materials and methods. Christopher V. Anderson, and Stephen M. Deban J Exp Biol 2012;215:4345-4357 © 2012.