scientific papers
why the scientific papers is important? scientific paper is important because in the process, each invention will be useful to the next generation if there is written evidence or documents. These documents can be used to develop the invention before.
Thomas Alfa Edison found lamp development of light at this time. Example Thomas Alfa Edison found lamp development of light at this time.
Terms And Subject of Scientific Papers Using the language of scientific. Lifting phenomena contained in the life. Using a certain way assessment. Finding something which can be used as input to predict or control the phenomena of life. Presenting writing it in a certain way.
Terms of Language
raw The structure of the language used in accordance with the rules of both the Indonesian standard sentence structure and word. Likewise, the choice of words / terms, and writing in accordance with the rules of spelling. logical ideas or messages that are submitted in accordance with the facts and acceptable sense.
QUANTITATIVE right / true denotative Information set forth in writing can be measured with certainty. right / true The idea is to be disclosed in accordance with the idea intended by the speakers or authors and do not contain a double meaning. denotative The word used is selected according to the true meaning and does not involve feelings because of the nature of science is objective.
brief the idea expressed by a short sentences, but clear and solid, right on target, the use of the word according to needs. coherently the ideas expressed in order and according to the highest level, both in the sentence or in the paragraph.
Types of Scientific Papers
academic achievement Dissertation is a scientific paper to achieve a doctoral degree (S3) The thesis is a scientific paper to achieve a master's degree (S2) Final Project is a scientific paper to achieve a bachelor degree (S1) scientific papers are papers to fulfill certain tasks subjects.
Forums are used Scientific article is a kind of essay that addresses a problem based on logic, literature, or facts to be loaded in journals, magazines, newspapers, and the Internet. Paper / Scientific papers / paper work is a paper that discusses the problems based on logic, literature, or the facts to be presented in seminars, symposia, workshops, and discussions. Papers may only be an article when it is presented in a magazine or newspaper. Instead the article can be called when the papers presented at a scientific meeting. Textbooks / teaching book is a collection of writings about the theory, postulate, law, or rule of a discipline to be used as a reference subject or subjects in the learning process.
research report The research report is an article about the process and the results of the research to be disseminated to the public or scientists. The hallmark of the report, among others, using research literature studies and various methods of data collection.