Julie Massey’s Example First Period The Jobs Power Point Julie Massey’s Example First Period Example
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources List six jobs that you are interested in for each career cluster and tell a little about each one Cheese maker – add your description of the job here Chicken farmer - description Coal miner – description Ice cream taster – description Jelly belly flavor maker – description Commercial fisherman - description Example
Architecture and Construction Example
Arts, AV, Tech, and Communications Example
Business Management and Administration Example
Education, Training, and Human Services Example
Finance and Marketing Example
Government and Public Administration Example
Health Science Example
Hospitality and Tourism Example
Engineering and Polymer Science Example
STEM Information Technology Example
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security Example
Manufacturing and Transportation Example
Marine Science Example
Aerospace Example
Energy Example
Example Jobs and Information Pictures go here about cool jobs that you might like to explore This is just a divider page Maximum of six job photos here Where did you get the photo? Put that information in the webliography (slide 37) Example
(example)Ice Cream Taster also known as Food Scientist Title these with the job you like the best in each cluster Information on each slide is to include: Skills needed – very developed taste buds, ability to make decisions, stay healthy, avoid spicy and smelly foods Wages – 56,000 a year Education/training College degree in food science, business, chemistry, or marketing, work in an ice cream shop or dairy farm before college. Earn an apprenticeship with an ice cream manufacturing company. Employment opportunities – very rare to find a job. Apply at major companies. Ties in to computer science – use computer to take notes on freezing temperatures, take notes on flavor combinations, use technology for chemistry and marketing Background that is not distracting Text should be easy to read Example
Job you like in Architecture Skills needed Wages Education/training Employment opportunities Ties in to computer science Example
Job you like in Arts, AV, Tech, and Communications Skills needed Wages Education/training Employment opportunities Ties in to computer science Example
Job you like in Business Management and Administration Skills needed Wages Education/training Employment opportunities Ties in to computer science Example
Job you like in Education, Training, and Human Services Skills needed Wages Education/training Employment opportunities Ties in to computer science Example
Job you like in Finance and Marketing Skills needed Wages Education/training Employment opportunities Ties in to computer science Example
Job you like in Government and Public Administration Skills needed Wages Education/training Employment opportunities Ties in to computer science Example
Job you like in Health Science Skills needed Wages Education/training Employment opportunities Ties in to computer science Example
Job you like in Hospitality and Tourism Example
Job you like in Engineering and Polymer Science Skills needed Wages Education/training Employment opportunities Ties in to computer science Example
Job you like in STEM Information Technology Skills needed Wages Education/training Employment opportunities Ties in to computer science Example
Job you like in Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security Skills needed Wages Education/training Employment opportunities Ties in to computer science Example
Job you like in Manufacturing and Transportation Skills needed Wages Education/training Employment opportunities Ties in to computer science Example
Job you like in Marine Science Skills needed Wages Education/training Employment opportunities Ties in to computer science Example
Job you like in Aerospace Skills needed Wages Education/training Employment opportunities Ties in to computer science Example
Example Job you like in Energy Skills needed Wages Education/training Employment opportunities Ties in to computer science Example
My personal choice of job in the job cluster This is why I like this job. Why are they your top two jobs? What makes these jobs a good fit for you? Why do you think you will like these jobs? What type of training, education, or certification will you need for these jobs? Anything else you want us to know Background that is not distracting Text should be easy to read Example
Example My other favorite job Why are they your top two jobs? What makes these jobs a good fit for you? Why do you think you will like these jobs? What type of training, education, or certification will you need for these jobs? Anything else you want us to know Background that is not distracting Text should be easy to read Example
Example Webliography Every website you go to should be listed here http://www.k12.wa.us/careerteched/clusters/ArchConst.aspx https://www.google.com/search?q=architecture+and+construction&tbm=i sch&source=lnt&tbs=sur:fc&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwirp4iR5ZLeAhUM1lM KHXKbAa8QpwUIHg&biw=1600&bih=758&dpr=1&safe=active&ssui=o n#imgrc=tiwD1S-XEKSLyM: Example