Comparision of No. of Accidents in BESCOM Particulars FY-15 April 2014 to January 2015 April 2015 to January 2016 January 2015 January 2016 Fatal Departmental 7 Non-Departmental 147 122 106 9 4 Non Fatal 43 37 40 1 2 42 34 32 3 Animal 39 36 50 Total 278 236 235 15 10
Compensation paid during FY-14 & FY-15 upto January 2016 Sl No Month Animals Persons Property Total No. of cases Total Amount (Rs in Lakhs.) Nos. Amount ( Rs in Lakhs.) Amount (Rs in Lakhs.) Nos 1 FY-15 37 1.795 46 137.32 1.67 84 140.785 2 FY-16(upto January 2016) 29 1.53 35 94.905 1.206 65 97.64