Part 2 County of Ventura Emergency Action Plan (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC (left mouse click here) Welcome to the County of Ventura’s Emergency Preparedness Training. (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC- Turn page.
SEAP Training Course This training is being provided to all (Insert Agency) employees located in the (Insert building and or floor) to inform you of the specific information you will need in the event of an emergency. Please pay close attention. Your safety and survival is our GOAL!
Topics Regulations Support Staff Roles & Responsibilities Evacuation Route – Map Locations Emergency Assembly Area Emergency Kit Supplies Resource Contact Information Emergency Broadcast Information SEAP Location Summary Questions? Quiz Topics we will cover are….. (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC- Turn page.
Regulations The County of Ventura is obligated to meet regulations set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) which are outlined in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 29 (Subpart L, 1910.155). (left mouse click here) Ventura County is obligated to meet specific regulations set for emergency preparation by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) which are outlined in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC- Turn page.
Roles & Responsibilities Support Staff Emergency Plan Roles & Responsibilities (left mouse click here) Each building has specific duties and information regarding who, when and where to report during an emergency. Each department/division in the building will be required to appoint someone to fill the following roles.... (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC- Turn page.
The Building Coordinator Reviews each Departments’ Building Emergency Plans (BEP) Coordinates evacuation education training Serves as the communication liaison between Agencies and building occupants The Building Coordinator. (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC The Building Coordinator reviews each Departments’ Building Emergency Plan and retains a copy to be used by emergency responders. Coordinates evacuation education for all building occupants. In addition, he or she serves as the communication liaison between service agencies and building occupants during an emergency or disaster. (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC- Turn page.
Building Coordinator’s Contact Information Building Name: (Insert Name) Building Coordinator: (Insert Name and location) Building Coordinator’s Contact Information: (Insert phone numbers and email address) (left mouse click here) Everyone should know the name of their building and their Building Coordinator... (left mouse click here) Your Building Name: (Insert your building name here, e.g., Hall of Justice, Administrative Building, etc.) Your Building Coordinator: (Insert your Building Coordinator here) The Building Coordinator’s Address: (Insert your Building Coordinator’s address or location here) (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC- Turn page.
Alternate Building Coordinator’s Contact Information Alternate Building Coordinator: (Insert Name and location) Alternate Building Coordinator’s Address: (Insert contact information) (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC There is also an Alternate Building Coordinator. He or she has the same responsibilities as the Building Coordinator. (left mouse click here) Your Alternate Building Coordinator: (Insert Alternate Building Coordinator name) Alternate Building Coordinator’s Address: (Insert Alternate Building Coordinator address) (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC- Turn page.
Additional Support Staff Roles & Responsibilities Assembly Area Runner Evacuation Guide Assembly Area Coordinator Evacuation Manager (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC Additional responsibilities are given to your (left mouse click here) Evacuation Guide, (left mouse click here) Assembly Area Coordinator, (left mouse click here) Assembly Area Runner, (left mouse click here) Evacuation Manager. (left mouse click here) Employee. Each Agency/Department will assign individual staff members for these positions as needed. They will each have different tasks and responsibilities that they need to perform. These positions are extremely important and invaluable during an emergency situation. (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC- Turn page. Employee
Evacuation Guide Assist with a building evacuation during an emergency Alert other occupants on their way out of the building (left mouse click here) The Evacuation Guide is a building occupant assigned to assist with a building evacuation during an emergency. The Evacuation Guide is responsible for alerting other occupants on their way out of the building. (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC- Turn page. Evacuation Guide: Insert Name(s) & Phone #’s
Assembly Area Coordinator (AAC) Takes roll at the Emergency Assembly Area Determines if workers are missing Reports to the Evacuation Manager (left mouse click here) The Assembly Area Coordinator (AAC) is assigned to take roll at the Emergency Assembly Area (EAA) after a building evacuation. The AAC determines if workers are missing (It is recommended that the AAC have a list of the current personnel along with a contact list of relatives and/or friends to be called, if needed, during an emergency situation.) Then the AAC reports the information to the Evacuation Manager at the Facility Incident Command Center. The Evacuation Manager will then summon safety personnel for search and rescue, if necessary. (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC- Turn page. Assembly Area Coordinator: Insert name & phone #
Assembly Area Runner Assists the AAC Takes critical information back and forth (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC (left mouse click here) The Runner assists the Assembly Area Coordinator (AAC) The AAC will notify the Assembly Area Runner of the status of the evacuation and attendance information. The Runner then takes the information to the Assembly Area Coordinator located at the Facility Incident Command Center. He awaits further instruction/information to be sent back to the AAC. (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC- Turn page. Assembly Area Runner: Insert name & phone number
Evacuation Manager Manages Facility Incident Command Center Red Flag Interfaces with Emergency Responders Command Center (left mouse click here) The Evacuation Manager manages the Facility Incident Command Center by coordinating the emergency responder activities and information from the emergency relaying responders to the AAC(s) and others. The Evacuation Manager establishes the location of the Facility Incident Command Center by placing a RED FLAG on the table. The Evacuation Manager continues to interface with emergency responders on the status of the emergency and then by notifying the AACs of the status. (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC- Turn page. Evacuation Manager: Insert name & phone number
Employee Responsibility I need to remember this stuff! How to act What to do Where to go (left mouse click here) It is important to know how to respond during an emergency situation. Not all emergencies require the same response. It is also important to know what your responsibilities are as an employee such as how to act, what to do and where to go. In this training, you will learn the tools you will need in order to be safe and prepared for an emergency situation. Remember, preparation is the key to any emergency situation…... (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC- Turn page.
Evacuation Route - Map Locations Base of Stairways Elevator Landings Inside public doors Evacuation diagrams are important because they provide everyone with a verbal and visual layout of reporting areas and evacuation routes. They also contain information regarding fire alarm and fire extinguisher locations. Evacuation diagrams are required to be posted throughout the building, at ………... (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC- Turn page.
Insert an Evacuation map for your building or use sample provided (left mouse click here) (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC- Turn page. Discuss and familiarize the evacuation routes, location of extinguishers, pull stations, Evac chairs, e-phones etc. Insert an Evacuation map for your building or use sample provided
Emergency Assembly Area (EAA) Pre-designated safe location (left mouse click here) Your Emergency Assembly Area (EAA) is a pre-designated safe location away from the building where employees from your agency/department assemble after vacating a building. Report to the Assembly Area Coordinator (AAC) upon arrival. NOTE: It is important that all personnel be accounted for. Each individual department or agency has their own pre-designated assembly area. Your pre-designated area is located… (Fill in your EAA location according to your BEP) (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC- Turn page.
Emergency Assembly Area Hall of Administration Hall of Justice Service Building N Victoria Avenue Hill Street Parking Lot A Lot B Lot C Lot E Lot F PERMIT REQUIRED FOR PARKING Webster Street 101 Freeway Designed by Wendy M. Stanfel March 1999 Drag X To EAA Location For Your Building (left mouse click here) Insert a map of your Emergency Assembly Area if possible on this slide. If not, provide a copy of the diagram of your EAA to everyone with specific information pertaining to your department’s EAA location. Emergency Assembly Area location information is also available to you in your Building Emergency Plan on page _____ (Fill in according to your own Building Emergency Plan). (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC- Turn page.
Emergency Kit Supplies Three day supply of drinking water, food Flashlight Extra batteries Radio Blankets First Aid Supplies Duct Tape Matches Each Department Safety Coordinator should have an emergency preparedness kit available, containing…. (left mouse click here) At least a 3 day supply of per employee of…….. (left mouse click here) drinking water, food, flashlight and extra batteries, a radio, blankets, first aid ....etc. Be sure it is in a easy to carry container and to take it with you to the EAA when evacuating the building. Refer to your BEP for an extended list of required supplies.
Resource Contact Information Life-Threatening Emergency Numbers: Public Phone Dial: 911 County Phone Dial: 8-911 Non-Life-Threatening Emergency Numbers: Department Phone # GSA Security 654 -2931 Environmental Health & Safety (RMA) 654 -2813 GSA Maintenance 654 -3878 HMAP Emergency Response Service (Hazardous Materials) - 654 -3197
Emergency Broadcast Information Emergency Alert System Information Number KVEN Radio Station 1450 AM KHAY Radio Station 100.7 FM KMLA Radio Station (Spanish) 103.7 FM
Building Emergency Plan is located __Insert location__ for review
Summary Thank you... thank you very much! Summary (left mouse click here) In summary, prepare occupants in your building ahead of time for emergency evacuations. Know your building and your evacuation routes. Be aware of the needs of people with disabilities . Pay attention during evacuation drills and participate. Be PREPARED, Not SCARED (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC- Turn page.
Questions? (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC- Turn page. This course will instruct you on the proper procedures to take in the event of an emergency. (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC- Turn page.
Review Quiz Part 1 (Give out quiz & collect at end) Who is the Assembly Area Coordinator? What is the “All Clear” sign? Where do you go when you evacuate your building? What is the employee’s responsibility? Review Quiz Part 1 (Give out quiz & collect at end) (left mouse click here) Q: Who is the Assembly Area Coordinator? A: The person who takes roll call at the Emergency Assembly Area. Q: What is the “All Clear” sign? A: A green flag. Q: Where do you go when you evacuate your building? A: To the Emergency Assembly Area. (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC- Turn page.
Review Quiz Part 2 (Give out quiz & collect at end) In what situation do you check closed doors for heat? What “method” do you use during an earthquake? When do you NOT use your cell phone in an emergency? Name 3 kinds of information that can be found on the Evacuation Map? Review Quiz Part 2 (Give out quiz & collect at end) (left mouse click here) Q: In what situation do you check closed doors for heat? A: When evacuating a building during a fire. Q: What “method” do you use during an earthquake? A: “Duck & Cover” Q: When do you not use your cell phone in an emergency? A: When there is a bomb threat. Q: Name 3 kinds of information that can be found on the Evacuation Map A: Routes, Location of extinguishers, Pull Stations, Defibulator, E-Phones. (left mouse click here) GRAPHIC- Turn page.
This Concludes the Building Emergency Plan Training (left mouse click here) Pick up your Certificate of Completion
Brought to you by: General Services Agency Special Services Division GSA Brought to you by: General Services Agency Special Services Division If you have questions or need additional information, contact your Supervisor, your Building Coordinator or GSA Special Services/Security. The End!