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1 ס.ש.ס.ש.ס.ש.ס.ש. Marc Chagall ( )
AdamandEve, 1912, St. Louis Art Museum.
The Cattle Dealer, 1912, oil on canvas, Öffentliche Kunstsammlung, Kunstmuseum, Basel.
The Spoonful of Milk, 1912.
Jew at Prayer,
The Fiddler, , National Gallery of Art atWashingtonD.C.
The Birthday, 1915
ThePainter to the Moon,1917,MarcusDienercollection,Basel.
The Praying Jew, 1923, oil on canvas, The Art Institute of Chicago.
Green Violinist, , oil on canvas, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York.
LoverswithFlowers,1927, oil on canvas, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem.
Lovers in the Lilacs, 1930, oil on canvas, Richard S. Zeisler Collection, New York.
Solitude, 1933, oil on canvas, The Tel-Aviv Museum.
BouquetwithFlyingLovers, , oil on canvas, Tate Gallery, London.
RedNude Sitting Up, 1908, oil on canvas, Private collection, London.
The Three Candles, , private collection. THE END