Developing a Skills Strategy David Cadogan
Skills Mapping and Gap Analysis Skills Required Now & Future Skills analysis Skills Present mapping & Gap analysis How critical are the Skills Gaps – what time frame for filling How fill the gap – recruitment or training? If training how deliver it?
Design and Deliver training Specify learning outcomes Assemble learning modules that meet the learning outcome needs Identify the training provider(s) & logistics Prepare staff in pre-learning Rollout and apply the learning
Methods of delivery Apprenticeships / Traineeships / Internships Work Based Learning Off-site learning e-learning opportunities Coaching / Mentoring Action learning Sets
Accreditation of Learning Why not ‘non-accredited’ learning? The Qualifications and Credit Framework Working with FE Colleges Higher Level Skills / Working with HEIs Role of Sector Skills Councils
The Impact of Training Need to initially benchmark skills levels – can be at a personal or organisational level Reaction to learning / Level of learning taken place is important … … but vital is knowing the Impact of learning on organisational capability and capacity
Workforce Development Advice – Consultancy Services DGCadogan@Gmail.Com 07879 250772