warm-up 1. What premises might be off limits after ten p. m warm-up 1. What premises might be off limits after ten p.m.? The premise (s) that might be closed ___________________________________. 2.What are the different ways a doctor might administer medicine? A doctor might administer medicine by ________________.. HW: Complete summary
Take C. notes in order to understand Irony English 2p Agenda: Objectives: Warmup CONTINUE “Lamb to the Slaughter” Expectations/rubric C. notes Students will be able to: Take C. notes in order to understand Irony HOMEWORK: bring books/ bring flash drive Friday – c. NOTES SUMMARY
Daily Reading/Cornell Notes rubric 1- Not following along/on the wrong page/ cannot answer the question/completely off task 2 – can somewhat answer the question/wrote the question but you have no answer/unable to pinpoint where we are in the reading/sometimes follows along 3 – can answer the question/on the correct page/following along during the reading 4- definitely following along/answered the question correctly/on task/ wants an A in English
Cornell notes: Lamb to the Slaugter black – orally discuss RED – note it – write it out Predict #1 page 154 Identify page 154 Interpret page 154 Irony page 155 What is situational irony (p.147)? PREDICT PAGE 155 Clarify 156 Irony page 156 What is dramatic irony (p.147) Irony 156
“Lamb to the Slaughter” C. notes Predict page 157 Irony page 160 Infer page 161 Irony page 161 Irony page 162 Predict page 162 SUMMARY: WHITE HANDOUT – WRITING SECTION