(Click here to go to our website) Call to Order – President Ted Gonsiorowski called the meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Sept 26 – Loren Tate and Jim Turpin
Invocation – David Hunter – Lord, we thank Thee for what's on our plate, and for a talk that'll never be borin'. His glasses help Turpin see Tate, so Jim won't be looking for Loren. Amen. Vittles – Salad and Toppings, Chopped Beef, Vegetables, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, and Raspberry Cheesecake.
Attendance – 23 members. Guests – Paul Coleman brought his son, Peter Coleman.
Sam McGrew brought Rand Taylor.
Richard King brought Rena Bice (an Oklahoma fan).
Randy Fonner, (above) former Champaign Lions Club Member, now at Purdue University, visited us today. Fondas husband, Larry Bowden was with us too.
Lions Report – Pay Bryan reported Jim Smith is still at the rehabilitation center. Randy Fonner visited him before our meeting and Jim sent his thanks for the flowers the Club sent. Floyd Gordons wife is home after her fall and hospital stay. If you are ill or know a fellow Lion who is under the weather, please call Pat Bryan at
Birthdays – Paul Hendren (9/28),
and Charlie Osborne (9/29).
Lottery –The lottery today was $12. Ted Gonsiorowski won.
Football – Tom Yaxley provided football ballots and reported that Pat Bryan led last week with 8 correct. Year to date Leaders are Pat Bryan, Paul Hendren and Charlie Osborne with 27. In last place year to date are Jay Hoeflinger (20) followed by Rich King (23)
Announcements and Reports – President Gonsiorowski announced that a signup sheet for Candy Day (October 19 and 20) is being circulated. The next Board Meeting will be October 2, but the Business Meeting wont be until October 17 to accommodate availability of speakers on October 3 (Gordy Hulten, Champaign County Clerk, on absentee voting).
Program – Todays speakers needed no introduction. Loren Tate and Jim Turpin have been regular speakers to our Club for the past 8 or more years, to share their combined wisdom on Illini Sports and sports in general.
They answered our questions about Illini Football, Basketball, Baseball, and Volleyball.
The Big Ten is the weakest overall that Loren Tate can remember.
Jim Turpin said that Coach Groce, the new basketball coach, is so energetic and so optimistic, he is sure he will do a good job. He says, "If you shoot and miss, get it back and shoot again!"
Why cant we recruit in Chicago?
A: Its hard to recruit out of state. Chicago has no loyalty to UI. The football recruiting problem is that there is no recruiting base. Football low attendance directly effects recruiting in both football and basketball. Chicago
If we had more fans would we get better players?
A: That is a chicken 'n egg question, which comes first?
During the Illini Walk when the team walks to the stadium, why do the players have on their headphones and not acknowledge the fans?
A. Young people have different ways of getting ready for games. Some just plug in their headphones and block things out. They know the fans are there. The fans would appreciate a wave, a smile or some response from the players.
The golf and gymnastic teams are doing terrific. Volleyball is doing well. UI is hosting the NCAA Tennis Tournament here (St. Marys Road has been repaved).
Go Illini!
Tailtwister – Omer Benn
asked Marvin Paulsen to carry the bucket and collected from lottery winner Ted Gonsiorowski.
Next he fined Tom Yaxley who forgot to be a Greeter today.
Then since Jay Hoeflinger was not present he fined Rich King for being next lowest in football guessing.
It was so nice to see Paul Coleman today that he fined everyone at Pauls table.
We were happy that Randy Fonner visited us today so he fined everyone at Randys table too.
Pat Bryan, Pedro Heller and Earl Swanson were fined for guessing against the Illini in football guessing last week. Pat Bryan paid to brag that her nephew is playing football for Washington University and she will be going to Chicago to watch him play.
Oct 3 - Business Meeting – Know your Lion Greeters: Herb Bail and Byron Balbach Oct 10 - Tracy Lillard – Illinois State Police (Operation Fatal 4) Oct 17 – To Be Announced Click here to Charlie Osborne and let him know what you would like to see in a Lions Club program some Coming up
Thank you for watching Publisher David Hunter To Dave with your comments, click here To go to the our website, click here Editor Fonda Bowden