Accounts Payable Training Vendor Information Request to Purchase Voucher Preparation
Vendor Information Before you purchase anything from a vendor you must make sure they are set-up in FAMIS, have a W-9 on file with us and are not on state hold. This is done on FAMIS Screen 103.
If a vendor has a W-9 on file with Business Services there will be a date listed in the W-9 field of screen 103.
The W-9 Form is listed on the Business Services homepage under Accounts Payable Forms & Info.
Vendor Information If the vendor is not set-up in FAMIS you will need the following information (located on the W-9 form): Vendor name Vendor address Vendor phone and fax numbers Vendor Federal Employer Identification Number Also referred to as the Tax ID # or FEIN Is the vendor a sole proprietor, partnership, or corporation?
Further Information needed depending on the Type of Business Sole Proprietor – you will need the persons name and SS# (ID Number) If the Vendor gives you a FEI #, but marks sole Proprietor we still need the owners name & SS# Partnership – you must get the owners names and SS# (ID numbers) Corporation Out of State – just their tax id number is needed Texas Corp – they will need to provide their Charter Number
If you have any questions about any of the information you need to get about a vendor, please do not hesitate to call Christi Pfau at ext Once you receive all of this information please this to Christi Pfau at You will be contacted once the vendor is approved. If this procedure is not followed your payment could be delayed.
REQUEST TO PURCHASE- When do I use this form?
Request to purchase Form is Available on the Business Services homepage under Accounts Payable Forms
Request to Purchase Food Purchases Alcoholic Beverage Purchase Registration Fees Award Items Clothing Memberships Flowers, Floral Arrangements, and Plants
Food Purchases Request to Purchase (RTP) is required on all food purchases (including Sodexo Invoices) Must have an alcohol statement (alcohol was or was not purchased) Reimbursement for business lunches Maximum reimbursement for a gratuity is 20%
Entertainment Policy Entertainment RTPs must have the required signatures to be processed. If under $ then one signature from the signature card and the Department Heads or Directors signature. (If delegated) If Over $ then the Department Heads or Directors signature and the Department Vice Presidents signature. Any RTP for Entertainment for a VP, or Executive Director must be signed by the President. Presidents RTP for Entertainment signed by Jerry Graham An individual can not approve their own expenses. The signatures must be on the RTP when submitted to Business Services or payment will be delayed.
Alcoholic Beverage Purchase The President must pre-approve all purchases of alcohol. Please send a memo to the Presidents office for approval Can not use state funds to purchase Business meal receipts, which contain alcohol, must show dollar amount of alcohol purchased for coding purposes.
Registration Fees Advanced payment of fee 6 weeks in advance only The following items must be included with the RTP Invoice &/or registration form Copy of the Travel Request
Award Items All award items must have an RTP No more than $ per item when using state funds. Local funds may be used to grant employee service awards. All cash awards must go through payroll and are subject to taxes. (including gift cards) Requires the following information: Who received award Why When What award is it
Clothing Purchases All clothing purchases require an RTP This needs to explain who will be receiving the clothing What it will be used for Why the clothing is being purchased This is considered a personal item and must be explained for auditing purposes.
Memberships All memberships must be approved by your Vice President (even if it is a renewal) Must be under the name Tarleton State University not an individual. Some memberships are required for an individual to perform his or her specific job. (attach verification documents) Benefit Statement and Beginning and Ending date must be included on the request. 6 weeks in advance Please route through your Vice Presidents office. Once the RTP is signed the Vice Presidents office will forward the paperwork to Business Services for processing.
Flowers, Floral Arrangements, and Plants Can not use state funds for these purchases May use local funds for purchase of floral arrangements for a common office space (waiting room) and landscaping plants Presidents office will send flowers from the University in case of illness or death. Please contact Susie Fagan in the Presidents office at 9921 or
Voucher Preparation Form
Voucher Preparation Form Information Must be attached to each invoice submitted for payment (except those paid by RTP) All information is important on the voucher prep form Payments will be made using the information provided by each department on the voucher prep form. Please completely fill out each voucher prep form Left side of form is for the department to fill out, and the right side is for payment processing.
Basic Voucher Prep Form Information Department is responsible for the following information. Account # Purchase Order # Date invoice received Date goods/services received Amount approved to pay Comments
Invoice Requirements Remit to address Charged to TSU PO# referenced Valid description of purchase Correct prices Check to make sure NO tax was charged Does the invoice match what is in FAMIS?
Invoices If the invoice is correct then attach a completed voucher prep form and send to Business Services T-0120 If the invoice is not correct then contact the vendor to make changes. Credits New invoice
Dates Prompt Payment Law Must pay invoice within 30 days of: The day you receive the goods or service The day you received a correct invoice Do not send invoices to us for payment if there is a dispute with the vendor.
Partial Payments Several invoice for 1 order Invoice should be paid if all items are received on that invoice Do not hold the completed invoices until the whole order is completed Holding these could cause interest to build
Multiple Deliveries on One Invoice Do not send invoice for payment until all items or service is received in proper working condition. This is if the vendor is shipping your order in several shipments.
Discounts We should take advantage of these discounts that vendors offer. Examples 2/10 (2% discount if paid within 10 days) 2% by 10 th (2% discount if paid by the 10 th of the next month) Cash discount These can be found in the terms section of an invoice.
Advanced Payments Subscriptions (6 weeks) Rental Fees (6 weeks) Maintenance Agreements (6 weeks) Rent (14 days) If payment is required by the vendor before the item will be delivered. Cost Savings involved
Accounts Payable FAMIS Screens
OPEN FAMIS On this Screen, Where the cursor is Blinking: Type TPX and then press ENTER.
You have been given a temporary password. The first time you use FAMIS, you will need to change your password. USERID: Enter the USER ID assigned to you. Hit the TAB key. PASSWORD: Enter the temporary password assigned to you. Hit the TAB key. NEW PASSWORD: Enter a new Password using 5 to 7 alpha- numeric characters. Hit ENTER You will be asked to re-enter your password, enter your NEW PASSWORD again and hit ENTER.
Once you get to this screen, where the cursor is blinking: press ENTER
Once you get to this screen, where the cursor is blinking: press F2 key on your keyboard
IMPORTANT DO NOT type anything on the New Password line unless you want to change your password. Once you get to this screen, where the cursor is blinking: USERID: Type your user ID and hit the TAB key PASSWORD: Type your password (the new password you selected in the previous step) and press ENTER.
NOTE If you forget to clear the screen before typing FAMI, you may get a transaction is unrecognized message. If you get this message, clear the screen, retype FAMI and then press ENTER. Once you get to this Screen: Click on the clear button on your screen Then type FAMI and hit ENTER
For first time users, you will see a screen for FAMIS security requesting you to read and accept the Statement of Responsibility.
To proceed you must enter a Y to accept the agreement. If you do not enter a Y you will not be allowed to continue.
Enter your legal name. Hit the TAB key. Enter your business phone number. Hit the TAB key. Enter your address (optional). Hit the TAB Key Enter your office name and T-Box number. Then hit ENTER. (you may have to hit Enter again) On the next screen hit ENTER. On this screen you need to provide or update the appropriate information.
You are now at the Main Menu You can access any screen by entering the screen number in the Screen field. Start with screen 103. Type 103 in the Screen field and press ENTER.
Vendor Information Screen 103-Lets search for the vendor Austin Ribbon & Computer With cursor at Vendor line type as much of the name as you can & hit enter
This screen lists what matches to the search name-the Search line is longer now so if need be you can enter more of the name and hit enter to narrow down the list.
F10 will allow you to see the Remit to address of the Vendor. To select the Vendor place an X by the name and press enter.
On this screen we see the Vendor info. for Austin Ribbon & Computer and also that they do have a W-9 on file.
Vendor on State Hold Screen 103 will show you if a Vendor is on Hold with the State of Texas.
Vendor Payments in FAMIS Screen 162 Allows you to see all payments to vendor for fiscal year. Enter Vendor number and press enter-or search by name, choose the vendor and press enter
See Vendor Payment by Invoice Screen 160 allows you to search by invoice-enter vendor number or name, invoice number and press enter (if you entered name you will have to select one of the names with a X and then press enter) Lets search for Invoice SI for Austin Ribbon and ComputerAfter invoice number is entered press enter.
This screen shows that it was paid with voucher number The check number was For more detail you can look up the voucher on screen 168.
Screen 168 Enter the voucher number ( ) and press enter. This shows check number, description, Invoice number, etc.
Screen 169 This screen shows more information for each line item on the voucher.
Screen 26-Balance of Purchase order & Account number(s) tied to Order
Screen 278 This screen allows you to see the purchase order line items
Screen 278 – F5 By pressing F5 on screen 278 you are able to see the invoices that have been paid on a particular purchase order.
Screen 220 This screen allows you to see who your buyer is in Purchasing. It also allows you to review the freight terms on your purchase order.
Screen 220-F9 This screen allows you to review the dates your goods were received in Central Receiving.
Screen 224 Type in your PO# Allows you to look at how each line item of your purchase order is set up to pay. Things to note: Quantity, unit price, and extended price
Phone Numbers for Accounts Payable Shelbie Kunselman 9609 Invoices Voucher questions General accounts payable questions Leah Bartelt 9434 Travel Christi Pfau 9606 Transmontaigne bill Vendor set-up& info Copier bills Utility bills Marenda Horton 9928 Accounts Payable Manager Departmental Transfers Signature Cards Frances Blair 9610 All Credit Cards ProCard, Travel Advance (group or individual), IBT & Fuel cards Debby Payne 9836 Postage Charges Voucher Entry