Fantasy Violets
The colouring "fantasy" does not repeat on 100 % at duplication AVSA registers grades "fantasy" at repeatability of this attribute in 75 % of cases. In the winter and at the cool contents of points is formed more. Not from the first flowering is shown red fantasy on a pink background. duplication by the stepsons
The history The first fantasy violets have appeared at the end of 40 years. Violets were with simple falling flowers, pink with dark blue points. Now we can broke them on three groups.
Dark points on a light background. Dark blue or violet points on a pink background more often. " Chiffon Print " Chiffon Print Candy Crystals
Fantasy Maker Voodoo Magic Sapphire Kisses Night Fever
Dark points "fantasy" on a light background plus of a stain and strip. Christmas Glitter Mermaid Dizzy Di Dancing Lady Ozio Perfect Angel
Light "fantasy" on a dark background. Flashback Rainbows Quiet Riot Marie Lorraine Space Cadet
Last achievement of the selectors The Artist Chameleon
Fantasy Violets