What is a ‘portrait’? DISCUSSION 5 minutes DISCUSSION In groups of 3, come up with an agreed definition for the following question: What is a ‘portrait’?
Swap your sketchbook with another person who is on the same differentiation level as you. 3 minutes Look at their design brief prepwork. Using your personal judgement, assess this work using the criteria opposite. Give a positive comment or some advice for improvement on the progression sheet in the back of their book. Assessment Criteria: Creative, but organised, presentation Sensitive use of colour (not too many) Inclusion of images or a drawing Lots of effort employed
Learning Objectives What I’m looking for… You will: Learn what a portrait can be/contain. Learn to select a resource appropriate to their current level. Learn to visually assess via a direct copy. Learn to apply accurate layers of colour and tone. Learn to do a peer-assessment activity What I’m looking for… You have a clear understanding of what a portrait is. You select an image to work from which is appropriate for your level of challenge. You have an ability to visually assess a portrait by creating a colour tonal pencil crayon copy.
Check which colour sticker you have on your progression sheet: 45 minutes Check which colour sticker you have on your progression sheet: Go to the area in the classroom where you see that colour chart and select one of the postcards. Go back to your place and draw around the postcard in the top, middle area of your next clean sketchbook page. Now begin to draw the portrait first in pencil line.
5 minutes In order to generate the correct colours you will need to apply different layers. Think about which colour you would apply first and which you would put on the top. Before the end of the lesson… Look at the work of your peers to either side of you and discuss the success of their drawing so far. Give them some points of advice to help them to further develop their work.
PREP.WORK Take the name, date, title and media of the image you have used in lesson and using the artist appreciation questions sheet on the VLE, copy & paste or print & glue the portrait onto the sheet and answer the questions in full. PREP WORK WK1
5 minutes Turn to the back of your sketchbook and thinking about the learning objectives from the start of the lesson, tick each statement that you feel confident you have learnt. Now at the right-hand side, write down one specific thing that you have learnt today that you didn’t know before. Learning Objectives You will: Learn what a portrait can be/contain. Learn to select a resource appropriate to their current level. Learn to visually assess via a direct copy. Learn to apply accurate layers of colour and tone.