TWG Water Scarcity & Drought Prague meeting, 19.12.2011 Contribution of Arno River Basin Authority Ing. Bernardo Mazzanti -
Test case for a first estimation of WEI+ index: Arno river basin Basin surface: 8282 sq. km WEI+ estimation on 9 different subbasins WEI+ estimation on 9 different subbasins For every subbasin, parameters and results of a distributed hydrological model (superficial water) are available for the period 1993-2006
Distribution of subbasin dimension
WEI+ - monthly estimation (moving average on 12 months)
WEI+ - monthly estimation (moving average on 12 months) Spatial distribution - April 2002 WEI+ [%]
Conclusions A preliminary estimation of WEI+ parameters was carried on the entire set of subbasin of Arno river basin The use of a moving average on a 12 months window avoids negative or uncoeherent values The variability in the considered time interval highlights water scarcity periods (to be tested) The estimation on different subbasins points out the spatial variability of WEI+ parameter