RAS Publication Activities Bill Hamel Vice President RAS AdCom Meeting San Francisco, California October 16, 2005
Outline Status of current publications (R0z) Publications Statistics RAM (Stefano) TASE (Ken) TRO Publications Statistics Haptics-e Electronic Services Initiative (Stefano)
Publication Statistics Rankings Xplore Activity
2004 JCR Stats: Robotics Rank Title Impact Factor 1 T-RA 2.126 2 Auton Robot 1.309 3 Int J Robot Res 1.168 4 RA-M .826 5 Robot CIM-INT Manuf .699 6 Robot Auton Syst .468 7 Robotica .400 8 J Robotics Syst .380 9 Adv Robotics .254 10 J Intell Robot Syst .256 11 Ind Robot .167
2004 JCR Stats: RAS Pubs Impact Factor among 80 IEEE Pubs Rank Title Impact Factor 8 J MEMS1 2.880 17 T-RA2 2.126 63 RA-M .826 70 T-MECH3 .652 1Published Joint w/ ASME 2T-ASE & T-RO will not be included until 2006 3Published jointly w/ IES & ASME
JCR Stats: 6 Years of Impact Factors Title 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 J MEMS 2.500 2.034 1.954 2.835 2.759 2.880 T-RA 0.984 0.986 1.375 1.048 2.103 2.126 RA-M 0.205 0.800 0.824 0.865 1.103 0.826 T-MECH 0.954 0.562 0.696 0.544 0.716 0.652
Xplore PDF views 2003-5 For AdCom Use Only--Not for Publication Aug 05 Jul 05 Jan-Jun 05 2004 2003 T-RA 13758 15322 79340 176721 123103 T-RO* 3624 3776 13510 7407 NA T-ASE* 1339 1666 7554 4984 RA-M 3762 3694 24335 45612 29707 T-MECH 6672 7037 44695 70149 43574 J-MEMS 15498 15762 101486 194655 140502 *began midyear
Haptics-related Publication Previous TVAR initiative is dead, subsumed into TVCG/CS Haptics-e (Blake Hannaford, Vincent Hayward)…Innovative! 1997: Self-organized and maintained with no financial matters Strong involvement of “soft” scientists Authors retain copyrights “Complete” open access RAS technical co-sponsorship Observations Comparatively low submission rate 13 papers accepted to date; recognized for good quality Disappointing growth and visibility
Haptics-e…win:win situation More explicit IEEE and RAS involvement and “branding” needed. Continue dialogue with Blake and Vincent Study TAB positions and policies on electronic journals and open access models (TAB November) Pure electronic publications exist IEEE “positions” on IEL, open access, etc. are evolving Evaluate 3 alternatives: (1) Transfer Haptics-e to RAS oversight and administration Consider new RAS publication based on the Haptic-e model (2) electronic and open (3) traditional IEEE publication
Electronic Services Update
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