All the other people!
Behaviorist Theory of Personality The way most people think of personality is meaningless. Personality changes according to the environment (reinforcers and punishments). If you change environment then you change the personality.
Personality is learned… John Watson- 1st behaviorist Can shape infants personalities by adapting the environment Little Albert B.F. Skinner- We learn by consequence Reinforced behaviors are repeated They ignore the unconscious mind- personality is shaped by the environment!
The Humanistic Perspective Maslow’s Self-Actualizing Person Roger’s Person-Centered Perspective “Healthy” rather than “Sick” Individual as greater than the sum of test scores
Carl Rogers- Maslow- Self-concept influences our actions Biggest problem- living up to ideal self (what we want to be) Good environment= fully functioning individual Maslow- Personality influenced by hierarchy of needs Updated version
Characteristics of Self-Actualized People… Accepting/non-judgemental Humorous Creative Concerned for welfare of others Problem-centered instead of self-centered Look at life objectively independent
Social-Cognitive Perspective Behavior learned through conditioning & observation What we think about our situation affects our behavior Interaction of Environment & Intellect
Julian Rotter- Expectancy Theory Learning creates expectancies that guide behavior Behavior is determined by what the person expects to happen following the behavior and the value the person places on the outcome Locus of control- the degree to which people expect events to be controlled by their internal efforts or by external forces Take the test!
Albert Bandura Modeling: Bandura’s term for learning by imitating others. Discussion: List ways that freshmen model themselves after seniors. For example Imagine freshman year. What kinds of things did seniors do that were cool? Did they hold their books or walk in a particular way. Hang out in certain places or sit in a place. Take from :
Trait Theories of Personality They believe that we can describe people’s personalities by specifying their main characteristics (traits). Traits like honestly, laziness, ambition, outgoing are thought to be stable over the course of your lives.
Traits Theorists Gordon Allport- Raymond Cattell Hans Eysenck Cardinal and central traits Not so much why- more of how we differ Raymond Cattell 16 personality traits They exist on a scale Hans Eysenck Introvert vs. extrovert
The theory based on the Big Five factors is called the Five Factor Model (FFM).[1] The Big Five factors are: The Big Five “Ocean) Openness - Imaginative rather than practical, preferring variety to routine, and being independent rather than conforming. Conscientiousness - Being organized rather than disorganized, careful rather then careless, and disciplined, not impulsive. Extraversion - Sociable instead of retiring, fun-loving instead of sober, and affectionate instead of reserved. Agreeableness - Being softhearted, not ruthless, trusting, not suspicious, and helpful not uncooperative. Neuroticism - Level of emotional stability.