Physics Chapter 7 – Electromagnetism – magnets, magnetic forces, magnetic fields Draw 2 magnets that repel and attract each other. Describe the difference between an induced magnet and a permanent magnet. Draw a diagram to show the magnetic field in the loop of a wire and a solenoid. Describe the Earth’s magnetic field. You may draw a diagram to support your answers. On the diagram draw the magnetic field and the arrows showing the direction on a compass. Describe how to increase the strength of an electromagnet and the polarity of the solenoid. N S Describe the magnetic effect of a current. Include how to change the strength of the magnetic field. State the naturally magnetic material. State the right-hand grip rule.
Physics Chapter 7 – Electromagnetism – HIGHER TIER Fleming’s left-hand rule, force on a conductor and electric motors State Fleming’s left-hand rule. Describe the size of the force on a wire carrying a current at right angels to a magnetic field is proportional to? Explain how an A.C motor works. Describe the uses of motors. Explain how we can increase the force on a wire. Explain the motor effect. Explain how a D.C motor works. What is the strength of the magnetic field called and give the equation. Explain how we can reverse the direction the motor turns .