Change Order 5, Contract S03003D01 Engineering Services for SSWRF Post-Secondary Capacity Improvements and Restore ED’s Original Delegated Authority Commission Agenda Item #5
SSWRF Capacity Increase 2020 Facilities Plan completed in 2007 Identified need to increase SSWRF peak wet weather capacity if population increased WDNR permit requirement: District complete design of capacity increase by 12/31/17
SSWRF Capacity Increase 2016: Created 2 separate projects and 2 design contracts to accomplish design: S02008: Preliminary and Secondary Capacity Improvements Donohue Design Contract S03003: Post Secondary Capacity Improvements Arcadis Design Contract
Disinfection and Effluent Pumping Preliminary Treatment Project S03003: Post Secondary Capacity Improvements: Arcadis Design Contract Project S02008: Preliminary and Secondary Capacity Improvements: Donohue Design Contract Secondary Treatment Primary Treatment Preliminary Treatment
S03003D01 Contract-Arcadis Original contract: design engineering for effluent pumping and disinfection processes During preliminary design, staff recognized that population increases had not materialized Other system modifications had also occurred Staff requested and WDNR removed design requirement from permit Directed Arcadis to stop work
Blending at SSWRF Wet weather, low cost operational procedure Higher treatment rates while still meeting effluent quality limits WDNR allows blending in SSWRF permit, but SSWRF does not have capabilities to blend
Blending at SSWRF Routes some flow around secondary treatment process Recombines that flow with fully treated flow Blended flow must meet all effluent water quality requirements under WPDES permit By permit, can only be performed under certain wet weather conditions
40 MGD Flow bypasses secondary treatment Preliminary Treatment Disinfection 340 MGD Treated effluent 340 MGD 40 MGD Flow bypasses secondary treatment Secondary Treatment 300 MGD Primary Treatment 340 MGD Influent sewer 340 MGD Preliminary Treatment 340 MGD
Blending at SSWRF District interested in blending, as it is a low cost way to increase capacity and reduce risk of overflows and basement backups Some work by Arcadis and Donohue also applies to blending Authorized Arcadis to evaluate how SSWRF might be able to blend Work indicates blending is feasible, but some modifications needed
Disinfection and Effluent Pumping Preliminary Treatment Project S03003: Post Secondary Capacity Improvements: Arcadis Design Contract Bypass Channel Project S02008: Preliminary and Secondary Capacity Improvements: Donohue Design Contract Secondary Treatment Primary Treatment Preliminary Treatment
Proposed Arcadis Contract Change Order Engineering services related to blending Chlorination and dechlorination system Disinfection Mixing Normal design services Project management Final bid and construction contract documents Bid and award services ESDC O&M manual, training, and startup Applications engineering
Sodium hypochlorite pumps storage CHLORINATION Sodium hypochlorite pumps
Sodium bisulfite mixers DECHLORINATION Sodium bisulfite pumps & storage Sodium bisulfite mixers
ED Delegated Authority For engineering service contracts greater than or equal to $500,000, Commission has delegated ED authority to make changes up to $200,000 or 10% of original contract price Limit of $64,300 prevails for this contract ED utilized $63,579, leaving balance $721 Request to restore ED’s authority in case other additional services needed
Full Implementation of Blending S02008, Preliminary and Secondary Capacity Improvements, also has scope related to blending Implementing projects S03003 and S02008 will allow blending up to 75 MGD above existing peak capacity of 300 MGD Future Commission contract requests for work on Project S02008 to fully implement blending
QUESTIONS? No need in this case to re-state the request.