KEYBOARDING SKILLS NUMBER AND SYMBOL KEYS Execute the touch method in operating number and symbol keys
Posture and Technique Review Sit up straight Feet flat on the floor Body centered in front of the computer Elbows naturally by side Fingers curved Wrists low, but not touching the keyboard Quick, snappy strokes Keyboarding Middle Grades
Keyboard Fingering Layout Number and Symbol Keys ~ # 3 $ 4 % 5 ^ 6 Tab Q W E R T Y U I : L K \ } { P O Backspace + = _ - ) @ 2 ! 1 ( 9 * 8 & 7 Caps Lock Shift D Ctrl J F G H Z Enter “ S A > < M N B V C X ? Alt Spacebar ; Keyboarding Middle Grades
Common Symbols Used in Keyboarding Name Spacing Around . Period Space twice after at the end of a sentence Space once when used in abbreviations and initials , Comma Space once after ; Semi-colon : Colon Space twice after, except when keying time ? Question mark Space twice after * Asterisk No space between word and symbol ! Exclamation point @ At sign One space before and after, except when used in an e-mail address # Number or Pound sign No spaces between number and symbol $ Dollar sign No space after Keyboarding Middle Grades
Common Symbols Used in Keyboarding Name Spacing Around “ ” Quotation marks Do not space with words they enclose, space once on outside-not inside / Slash or Diagonal No space before or after + Plus sign One space before and after > Greater than sign < Less than sign - Hyphen Do not space --- Dash ( Left parenthesis Space once before, zero after ) Right parenthesis Space zero before, once after = Equal sign ‘ Apostrophe & Ampersand % Percent sign No space before Keyboarding Middle Grades
Numbers & Symbols Vocabulary Character – any typed letter, number, or symbol Emoticons – characters that are combined to form pictures when communicating on the Internet (also known as “smileys”) Keyboarding Middle Grades
Numbers & Symbols Vocabulary & Ampersand – symbol for “and” * Asterisk – symbol used for footnote references in documents % Percent – symbol used in reporting statistical data Keyboarding Middle Grades