Week one classes advice document
LANGUAGE TIMINGS Oral classes scheduling session: Thursday 4th Oct, 9am, Physics Lecture Theatre Diagnostic grammar test: Thursday 4th Oct, 2 – 5pm, rooms RO.39 and 41. Information about which sitting you are in here. Grammar lecture workshop: Friday 5th Oct, 11 – 12noon, H0.51 Language seminars (essay class, grammar/translation class, oral class) begin in week 2. You will be informed of you written class times shortly. Please see Sylvia Howell or Marion Imber in H0.57 if you have a clash.
CULTURE MODULE timings FR122 intro lecture: Tues, 4pm, H3.44 FR119: intro lecture: Weds, 9 – 10am, H0.03 Intro seminar: Weds 12 – 1, H4.43 FR105: intro workshop: Thurs, 2 – 4pm, H0.56 FR 121: intro: Fri, 1pm, L4 Seminars for FR122 and FR121 begin in week 2. Tutors will explain more when you attend the first lecture.
SMF (FR121) CORE FOR French Studies All French ‘with’ degrees French ‘and’ degrees with another language (ie: French and German) PAIS and French French and Economics You will need to sign up for an SMF seminar group. This will happen on Thurs 4th Oct during the 9am oral class fixing meeting (Physics Lecture Theatre)
SMF optional for: English and French French and History (you can do EITHER SMF OR French Cultural Landmarks)
SMF optional for BAML students ML with Linguistics students You can choose from ANY French culture module
Who can take Cultural Landmarks (FR122)? French Studies students French ‘with’ degree students English and French students French and History students BAML students ML with linguistics students
Who can take Society and Business (FR119)? French Studies students French ‘with’ degree students BAML students ML with linguistics
Who can take Approaches to Reading (FR105)? French Studies students French ‘with’ degree students BAML students ML with linguistics English and French students (as part of the ‘English’ side of your degree)
Any Questions? Come to my drop-in session Tuesday 2 – 3 pm, H.436.