RELS110:12 2010-11-15 Agenda Attendance Confucianism: Human nature Philosophical Daoism :17 :04 Homework for Next Time Attendance :15 In the Religious Calendar :19 Religion in the News Voodoo making a comeback in Benin :23 Announcements / Administrativa Speaker tomorrow (Tuesday) evening Sign up for your class presentation time slot, using Moodle :25 Student Presentation or discussion of the scripture reading Discussion of Marx & Freud :35 Explaining a concept– for the exam’s paragraph answer section. The evolution of religions :50 Video with focus questions and discussion none :04 Homework for Next Time
Announcements Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 16, 2010. visit by Buddhist practitioners, and likely monastics from Gampo Abbey Time and place will be announced through Moodle (email and calendar)
Paper proposals Paper proposals are approved and are being graded. Find an encyclopedia article that has a bibliography at the end, and use those resources.
Bibliography Area where most work is needed summary: more detail: Electronic tools: “Citation Service” tool on Moodle for Chicago style bibliography entries. RefWorks Zotero Microsoft Word 2007 (reference tab)
Confucianism Human Nature according to Mengzi and Xunzi
Daoism Laozi and the Daodejing
For Homework For Tuesday, 10:15: For Thursday, 9:15 For Monday, 8:15 Read Book 1 of the Tao Te Ching (pages 5-42) What similarities to Buddhism do you see? What differences from Confucianism can you see? What is the Dao? How is water like the Dao? How is the Dao more like Yin than Yang? What must one avoid in order to avoid failure? What is a wise leader like? For Thursday, 9:15 Read Book 2 of the Tao Te Ching (pages 43-88) For Monday, 8:15 Read pages 154-178 from the chapter on Buddhism in Living Religions and write the online quiz on Moodle.