Multiplying Mixed Numbers Multiply and divide decimals and fractions, using efficient and generalizing procedures, including standard algorithms.
I can… Multiply mixed numbers Self Assessment 5- I can do it without help & teach others. 4- I can do this with no help, but I don’t know if I can explain it. 3- I can do this with a little help. 2- I can do this with a lot of help! 1- I don’t have a clue.
Use a Picture to Multiply Mixed Numbers Step 1: Draw a picture of mixed number
Use a Picture to Multiply Mixed Numbers
Use a Picture to Multiply Mixed Numbers
Use a Picture to Multiply Mixed Numbers Step 1: Draw a picture of mixed number
Use a Picture to Multiply Mixed Numbers
Use a Picture to Multiply Mixed Numbers
Multiplying Mixed Numbers Because of the order of operations, mixed numbers cannot be multiplied as is. Change mixed numbers to improper fractions, then multiply.
Try one…
Try another… 4 8 3 1
Challenge Time… 1 1 5 3 2 = 8 7 1 3 1 1
Word Problems… Draw a picture to help!! A = l x w 7 16 1 5
I can… Multiply mixed numbers Self Assessment 5- I can do it without help & teach others. 4- I can do this with no help, but I don’t know if I can explain it. 3- I can do this with a little help. 2- I can do this with a lot of help! 1- I don’t have a clue.
7.3 Notes Example Multiplying mixed numbers Change mixed numbers to improper fractions Simplify BEFORE Multiplying (if you can) Multiply numerators Multiply denominators Reduce (if necessary) Example 1 1 2 3