Meeting Circular Economy Task Force & WG Entrepreneurship and SMEs Business models of entrepreneurship and SMEs in the context of circular economy Brussels 2019.03.07
WG Entrepreneurship and SMEs priorities: Meeting Circular Economy Task Force & WG Entrepreneurship and SMEs WG Entrepreneurship and SMEs priorities: Continuation of cooperation and exchange of good practices with SAF in context of social enterprises; Cooperation with Cultural Forum in context creative industries; Mapping the needs on Entrepreneurship in Cities in European context, for instance monitoring the Small Business Act; Looking at potential cooperation with the OECD on the promotion of local economic development; Taking into account global economic trends and exchange of good practices in context of business models; Linking with the activities of Urban territorial related to local economic development; Stimulate Circular Economy as a driving force to innovation and competitiveness.
WG Entrepreneurship and SMEs actions: Meeting Circular Economy Task Force & WG Entrepreneurship and SMEs WG Entrepreneurship and SMEs actions: Organizing a joint meeting with Task Force on Circular Economy in 2019 to increase this issue in EDF and to stimulate enterprises; Possible joint meeting with the WG Smart social inclusion and cooperation on political recommendations especially in context of social Economy; Closer cooperation for the exchange of best-practices and monitoring on new forms of funding being experimented at the EU level (Impact Investing, Social Bonds, etc.); Joint meeting with the Cultural Forum; Exchange of best-practices and monitoring on the challenges posed to entrepreneurs by new forms of economic models and regulation; Keep lobbying on a stronger recognition of cities in the field of entrepreneurship also through specific EU processes;
WG Entrepreneurship and SMEs in EDF: Meeting Circular Economy Task Force & WG Entrepreneurship and SMEs WG Entrepreneurship and SMEs in EDF: March 27-29 March 2019: EDF Spring meeting 2019 in Florence on “Ecosystem of Innovation”; EDF Autumn meeting 2019 in Munich on “Digitalisation and SME; Start up and scale up“;
Circular Economy in Braga Meeting Circular Economy Task Force & WG Entrepreneurship and SMEs Circular Economy in Braga Meetings with enterprises; Sessions ands Conferences; Local working group with Municipality, Universities, Knowledge centres, Enterprises; SDG´s
Meeting Circular Economy Task Force & WG Entrepreneurship and SMEs Thank you