IRPA strategy for Non-Ionizing Radiation IRPA EC identified an increasing need to develop a strategy for activities in the NIR-field First step: Check the interests and positions among Associate Societies Learn from their activities -> Questionnaire sent out to all AS in spring
NIR Questionnaire Does your society have activities in the field of NIR? Ultraviolet Yes O No O Optical radiation (incoherent) Yes O No O Laserradiation Yes O No O Electromagnetic fields Yes O No O Please describe the activities of your AS: Would it be helpful if IRPA develops actions in the field of NIR? Yes O No O Which kind of activities and support your AS would expect from IRPA? Are members of your AS ready to support future IRPA activities in the field of NIR? Please give contact information
NIR Questionnaire: Answers (1) TOTAL Answers: 17 Does your society have activities in the field of NIR? UV Yes 10 No 6 Optical (incoherent) Yes 11 No 5 Laserradiation Yes 10 No 5 Electromagnetic fields Yes 14 No 3 Please describe the activities of your AS (examples): - by providing guidance and advice - share knowledge and support one another - …deals with enquiries from members of the public on the effects of NIR exposure, - technical exchanges, redaction of technical NIR leaflets and scientific articles, - organization of meetings and conferences - A special Session devoted to NIR related topics is always included in the program of the annual National Congress of our Society - Periodical Workshops …..
NIR Questionnaire: Answers (2) As seen by your AS: Would it be helpful if IRPA develops actions in the field of NIR? Yes 16 No 1 Which kind of activities and support your AS would expect from IRPA? (examples) Promote and support the work of other international organisations such as the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), ..IEC…CENELEC) on the dissemination of guidelines and standards relating to NIR safety. Improving any existing links with the World Health Organization (WHO) on its work on NIR protection Helping to send a clear concise message about the established health effects from sources as opposed to the non-established ones. One of the key issues about NIR safety is the incorrect reporting of hazards posed by sources of NIR, …. Networking ; - Constitution of an electronic directory with contact of international NIR experts ; - Sharing leaflets on NIR fields in different languages (SFRP has a leaflet on LED in French and in English) ; - Elaboration of an international NIR workshop Same as IR – specific sessions in Congresses and guidelines. Public awareness, risk assessment and research collaboration ….
Next Steps On the basis of the proposals and expectations collected IRPA EC will set up priorities and actions during the next meeting in Milano The proposals will be presented for further discussion at the next meeting of the European Associated Societies (October 2018) …. (if required, the full list of answers can be made available to AS)