5th PASET Forum Kigali, Rwanda| May 22, 2019 Destination Digital Africa: Preparing our Youth for the Future COUNTRY DELEGATION PRESENTATION TO FINAL PLENARY SESSION Country Name: Kenya 5th PASET Forum Kigali, Rwanda| May 22, 2019
Changes in Higher Education and TVET courses to prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Digital Economy The new critical courses that should be introduced in HE and TVET level are those that incorporate 21st century skills and 4IR such as Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Blue and Green Technologies. In addition to these courses, the training in soft skills and engineering should also be strengthened. Introduction of these courses shall require capacity building of the teachers and improvement of training equipment. There is need to establish of personalized, adaptive and modular programs in HE, establish online learning materials, Increase involvement of industry in development of curricula and assessment of graduates as well as change of assessment and pedagogical methods to include regular assessment and tutorials. New technologies for collection of data such as Big data analytics, Intelligent skill gap analysis and Automatic mapping should be employed regularly to identify any skill gaps between the ever changing requirements of the labour market and integrated into the new courses through regular review of the curricula to eliminate skills mismatch. Establishment of life-long learning initiatives to support acquisition of new skills by all employees and Establishment of centres of excellence to specialize in particular course areas of strength as in the case of Korea and Singapore. There shall be need to build capacity of trainers and improve training infrastracture.
ICT Connectivity for Higher Education and TVET Systems Expansion of fiber optics broadband connectivity in the country shall improve reliability, reduce internet costs and improve connectivity to Universities and TVET institutions. The National Council of Science Technology and Innovation is developing a National Research Policy. Government through the National Research Fund is funding research activities in various institutions. Additionally, Government is encouraging Researchers to develop quality proposals and compete for funding from international organizations. The government is also in the process of strengthening research in TVET through the National TVET Research Advisory Committee. The government has appointed KENET as the implementing agency to increase expansion of National Broadband Network. However limited funding is impeding the process. The process of establishing TVET MIS that shall improve the sharing of information between the TVET institutions and government agencies is at advanced stages of completion. The use of technology can greatly improve provisions for self-paced learning and expand access to education and training. Increased investment in technology and infrastructure such as virtual workshops and laboratories, smart classrooms, assessment tools, broad band internet services.
Using Technology to Transform Higher Education and TVET Increased use of ODeL through use of videos and other online systems shall be used to improve access and quality in University and TVET. Use of simulations, virtual laboratories and workshops for online and distance learning. Teachers will be motivated through capacity building to adopt new technology and provision of appropriate training materials. Teachers who develop online training materials shall also be compensated. Periodic surveys shall be used to monitor the satisfaction of students. Tracer studies shall be done to obtain information on the satisfaction levels of employers with skills acquired by the graduates. Improved collaboration and partnerships between labour market and HE institutions and establishment of policy frameworks to strengthen development of local industries and content shall be required to improve procurement of technologies Capacity building of teachers on use of new technology and training materials. This will be done using funding from internal sources and development partners.
Planning ahead The government policies and legal framework on ICT shall need to revised in order align them with the requirements that will enable higher education and TVET institutions to be better prepared, better connected and able to deploy technology in training. The critical investments shall include establishment of legal framework (Creation of legal sandbox), change of curriculum to reflect the needs of the labour market, capacity building of teachers, improvement of training and internet infrastructure respectively Stakeholders shall be engaged in identifying priority issues, a concept that includes background information, goal, focus areas and approach shall be prepared and a list of priority activities, including cost developed and reporting framework clearly specified The planning shall be inter-ministerial, comprising all the Ministries but spearheaded by the Ministry of Education. Regional countries should improve their collaboration by convening periodic forums where they can share knowledge and deliberate on ways of harmonizing qualifications to promote free movement of labour. The progress of implementation shall be monitored through periodic monitoring and evaluation and surveys to determine the extent of implementation.