THE CAPITAL OF THE USA Is made by Kovylina Anna Alexandrovna, the teacher of foreign languages. Kolpashevo, secondary school 2.
WASHINGTON, D.C. Motto: Justice to all. Flower: American beauty rose. Tree: Scarlet oak.
Washington, D. C. is the capital of the United States and the first carefully plan- ned capital in the world. It is situated between Virginia and Maryland on the Potomac River. The district is named after Columbus.
U. S. C A P I T O L U.S. Capitol is the tallest U.S. Capitol is the tallest building in Washington, D. C., and the most famous building in the USA, because this is where the laws are made. The Capitol is surrounded by The Capitol is surrounded by a beautiful garden with many trees and flowers. No building in Washington No building in Washington must be taller than the Capitol.
The White House is the beautiful home of every President of the United States, except the first president, George Washington. This is the oldest public building in Washington, D. C., and has the most famous address in the United States – 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The White House is the beautiful home of every President of the United States, except the first president, George Washington. This is the oldest public building in Washington, D. C., and has the most famous address in the United States – 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
T he s t r e e t s
The Lincoln Memorial is build in honor of Abraham Lincoln. He became the sixteenth President of the United States in Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed the blacks in the South from slavery.
Washington was first settled in 1790 and since 1800 has been the Federal capital.It is smaller in size than the largest cities of the USA, but in political sense Washington is the centre of the country and the most important city of the United States. It is not so old as Rome, Moscow or London, but the Americans have every reason to be proud of their beautiful capital.
WASHINGTON MONUMENT Washington Monument is 555 feet tall (160m); it is called Pencil because of its shape. There is an elevator there, which caries visitors to its 500-Foot level observation windows.
The Questions : 1. Where is Washington situated ? 2. When was Washington first settled ? 3. How tall is the Washington Monument ? 4. Is Washington the largest city in the USA? 5. Are there any skyscrapers in Washington ? 6. What places of interest in Washington do you know ? 7. What is the tallest building in the capital of the USA? 8. How old is Washington ?
Thank you for attention!