Mrs Hall and Mrs Marshall Welcome to ‘Meet the Teacher’! Wednesday 29th August 2018 5.30 – 6.30 Mrs Hall and Mrs Marshall Primary 4
Communication Both of us are available to meet with you. You can usually catch us at the end of the school day or if you would rather meet at a different time, please make an appointment through Mrs Dixon in the office. We both also have Twitter – Mrs Hall @MrsHall33 Mrs Marshall @MrsMarshallRPS
Relationships policy No Golden time Removal of traffic lights Recognise great behaviour in different ways Vision time trial – September Restorative question cards available at office
Reading: Reflective Reading Literacy Spelling: SWST Reading: Reflective Reading Writing: Big Writing Handwriting: Cursive Listening &Talking: Talk Partners, small individual and group presentations to their peers.
Numeracy & Mathematics Numeracy: SEAL Mental Agility Mathematics Problem Solving and Real life problems
Health and Well-Being RSHP PE – Monday and Wednesday Building resilience
Collected following Monday Two jotters alternated Checklist in jotters Homework Full weeks only Given out on a Monday Collected following Monday Two jotters alternated (Please do not cover the jotters although they can be decorated) Checklist in jotters
STEM Children from P2/3 – P7 have STEM each week in the STEM Hub STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths Children also learn skills such as teamwork, communication, critical thinking, creativity, resilience and problem solving Please drop in to the STEM Hub this evening to try out some STEM activities
Before you go…… We want to work with you to continue to ensure that Ratho Primary is the best it can be. If you have time, could you go to the school hall and give us your thoughts on our priorities for this year. Thank you!