EPS Student Chapter Annual Report EPS student chapters are required to submit annual reports on their activities to both IEEE and EPS. A chapter may be considered inactive when it does not hold at least two technical meetings a year or fail to report their meetings to IEEE and EPS. Chapters that have not reported for 3 years or more will be considered for dissolution by IEEE. EPS student chapters should hold their Annual General Meeting in December each year where elections of new officers in the Student Chapter Executive Committee for the following calendar year should be conducted. The list of officers in the new Executive Committee should be reported to both IEEE and EPS. The annual report on activities and new officers to IEEE should be done using IEEE vTools. For the annual report to EPS, please complete the forms in the next pages. Activities should be categorized as technical (seminars, workshops, etc), administrative (committee meetings, AGM, etc), social and others. All activities held during the calendar year should be reported including those funded by EPS which have been already reported earlier during the year. Where possible, captioned photographs should be inserted in the report. If more activities are to be reported please add as many template pages as required.
EPS Student Chapter Annual Report Student Chapter Name: Student Chapter Code: Submitter’s Name: Submitter’s Email: Chapter Faculty Advisor: Chapter Faculty Advisor Email: IEEE Section: IEEE Region Number: Date submitted:
New Executive Committee and Advisor Position Title Name Email Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer etc. Advisor
REPORT ON ACTIVITY #1 Title: Category: (Technical, Administrative, Social) Date(s): Description: (Please give brief details of activity below and the benefits of the activity) Attendance: Number of IEEE/EPS member attendees: Number of Non-IEEE Member attendees: Number of EPS Student Member attendees: Number of Non-EPS Students: Total:
Please attach photographs of activities below if available (add more pages if necessary):
REPORT ON ACTIVITY #2 Title: Category: (Technical, Administrative, Social) Date(s): Description: (Please give brief details of activity below and the benefits of the activity) Attendance: Number of IEEE/EPS member attendees: Number of Non-IEEE Member attendees: Number of EPS Student Member attendees: Number of Non-EPS Students: Total:
Please attach photographs of activities below if available (add more pages if necessary):