Spanish American War
Build Up to War Cuba & Spain Spain controls Cuba US trades with Cuba In 1895 Cuban nationalists staged a revolt against Spanish rule. America promises to support Cuba’s independence. Why? To protect our business & $$$ 1898: President McKinley was hoping to avoid war To show military support for Cuba, McKinley sends the USS Maine to the coast off of Cuba
The USS Maine February 15, 1898 the USS Maine blew up out of a harbor in Havana, Cuba. Killed 250 Americans It was never proven that Spain was responsible It is now believed that the ship either struck a mine or hand an internal accident. The destruction of the ship was used as a reason to enter into war. Newspapers reported that the Maine was taken down by Spain. People got fired up and called for war! Journalists used the tragedy to stir up the emotions of people and pulled on their heart strings “Remember the Maine!”
Yellow Journalism The De Lome Letter This extreme journalism was called: Yellow Journalism Newspaper reporting that uses screaming and sensational headlines to make a point and stir up the emotions of the American people. Joseph Pulitzer William Randolph Hearst The De Lome Letter Spanish minister to the US, William De Lome, wrote a secret letter calling President McKinley weak and ineffective. Hearst got a copy and printed it in the paper. Outraged the American people. Hearst’s papers were known for yellow journalism and responded to a friend that indicated that all was quiet in Cuba: “If you furnish the pictures, I’ll furnish the war.”
Declaration of War Even though Spain promised eventual Cuban independence, public opinion favored war. Significant amount of economic investment in Cuba. Military liked the idea that Cuba could provide a naval base April 1898 US declared war on Spain