PC and DC loss in Prox1DTA mice is progressive and followed by outer HC loss. PC and DC loss in Prox1DTA mice is progressive and followed by outer HC loss. A–D, Representative optical sections from the apical cochleae of Prox1DTA and control mice at the HC layer (Myo7a+ bodies in red) and the SC nuclear layer (Sox2+ nuclei in green). Side-by-side images show HCs and SCs underneath in control and Prox1DTA cochleae at ages P2 (A), P4 (B), P15 (C), and P27 (D). The number of PCs and DCs (green nuclei) decreased between P2 and P27 in Prox1DTA mice. Outer HC (OHC) loss is evident at P15 and increases with age. Inner HCs (IHC) are present at all ages. White arrowhead in C represents an outer HC missing in the HC layer and found in the SC nuclear layer underneath. Scale bars, 10 μm. Marcia M. Mellado Lagarde et al. J. Neurosci. 2013;33:1564-1576 ©2013 by Society for Neuroscience