Active Reading Series: Sharing and connecting our ‘critical annotating experiences’
Share Time! Now it’s time to share your summaries from last session with each other
Now, check the solution! So, who was the thief? Jack Chessler
Review your work: With your group, check your summaries and compare to the detailed solution on the next page (it is also available on Compass for computer access) In one colour, circle or highlight any points in your summary that differ from the solution In another colour, tick any points that were in line with the solution What would you do differently next time?
The solution: Clues: The timing of the theft and the restrictions on entry to the house limit the suspects to the three who left the parlour. Santa had no time alone with the sack in the library, where the thief discarded the box and the wrapping. Since the necklace was one of the last gifts to be put in the safe, it was one of the first to be put in the sack, at the bottom. The thief therefore had to spend at least a few minutes looking through over twenty presents for it. This rules out Sara, who was out of the parlour very briefly. The thief clearly looked for the gift to Susan. Even someone who had not attended a Stone party before could have surmised that Richard's gift to his wife would be the most expensive one. A newly arrived interviewee, however, would not know Susan's nickname, which was used on the wrapping. An old friend would. Only Jack Chessler had both the knowledge of the nickname and the time to search for the sack. He was therefore the thief. A book dealer, he had entered the library to see Richard's newly acquired Poe volume and there had noticed the sack behind the sofa. Where did he hide the necklace? He could not have taken it outside because of locks and alarms, and the house and the guests' clothing had been searched. Chessler wore a toupee, however, as Richard had kiddingly noted when greeting him, and it was under the toupee that the small necklace had been hidden. Santa used a little logic and observation, and unmasked the Grinch.
Connection to school work: Now think about the subjects you currently do at school Can you think of any ways in which the PAUSES strategies might be useful? Share some ideas as a class. Remember to consider English, Maths, Science, Humanities, Arts, Technology and P.E subjects Eg: For Science or Humanities: Using an annotation guide while completing short textbook or handout readings will help me locate the answers to some of my questions in a quicker and more accurate way For Maths: While reading through worked examples, annotating and making connections to what I already know about certain topics will help me understand them in more detail and I can summarise the steps to solving a problem in my own words For English: Following an annotation guide while reading and keeping my reading purpose in mind will help me select the most relevant information from the rest
Goal Buddy time! Jump on Goal Buddy: goal.html Select one of the strategies that might be useful to a range of subjects and form a reading goal around this NAME YOUR GOAL: Establish and answer a reading purpose question when I engage with any reading material in my classes EXPLAIN WHAT YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE: I want to separate relevant information from irrelevant information when I read any material in my classes Fill out the rest of the boxes on the page