Half of Young Adults Who Lost a Job with Health Benefits from November 2009 to November 2011 Became Uninsured Became uninsured 52% Adults ages 19–29 who had insurance through job When you lost your job, what happened to your health insurance? Had insurance through job 31% Did not have insurance through job 68% Adults ages 19–29 who lost a job in the past two years COBRA 16% Found insurance through other source 13% Went on parent’s insurance 14% Went on spouse/ partner’s insurance 5% Refused 1% n.b. % with insurance through job that was lost can also be shown for <250%FPL and 250%+ <250%FPL – 22% had insurance through job that was lost 250%+ - 46% had insurance through job that was lost Source: The Commonwealth Fund Health Insurance Tracking Survey of Young Adults, 2011.