The 16th of November Wednesday A part time job
A I M S: Talking and asking about jobs 1. 2. 3. Talking and asking about jobs . Training reading and speaking drills, doing different tasks To develop the knowledge of pupils reading and speaking skills
Teacher: The theme of our lesson is «A part- time job» Teacher: The theme of our lesson is «A part- time job». You know that a lot of children all over the world have part-time jobs. At what age can children get a part-time job in our country?
ANSWER THE QUESTIONS Do kids work in Kazakhstan? Do kids of your village work? Do kids of your school work?
Work with the text in a group. Топпен жұмыс. «Baby-sitter» тобы Your task is to give information about profession of doctors «Newspaper boy» тобы Your task is to write about teachers «Waiter» тобы 1. Your task is to write about taxi-drivers
Exercise 4. Draw a diagram in your notebook to show the activities Carol and Dmitry and Omar do. First read about Carol.
The game “Understand me”.
Listen to the interview A journalist interviews Jimmy: -How long have you been living on the street? - For a year. -Why did you come to London? -Of course, to look for a job. -What magazine have you be selling for six month? -The Times. -What people can’t you stand? -I can’t stand people who drink or take drugs. -How many copies do you sell a day? I usually sell 50 copies. -Thank you.
Test 1. He has been living on the street. For a month For 2 years For a year 2. Why did he come to London? To live there To look for a job To study at the Landon University. 3. What magazine has he been selling for six month? The Times The Big Issue The Fashion 4. What people can’t he stand?? Who talk a lot Who sleep a lot Who drink or take drugs 5.How many copies does he sell a day? Usually about 10 Usually about 50 Usually about 100
Right answers 1) B 2) B 3) A 4) C 5) B
Homework: Ex.17, p.159