Remote Monitoring Study at U.S. Nuclear Power Plants Phung Tran, EPRI 2007 ISOE Asian ALARA Symposium Seoul, Korea September 12-13, 2007
EPRI Background Founded in 1973 Unbiased, non-profit energy research consortium Voluntary funding from energy industry participants Collaborative research benefits members, their customers, and society Over 130 International participants Over 700 North American members U.S. members represent over 90% of U.S. electricity generated
Extensive Energy Research Program Generation Distributed Resources Fossil Steam Plants Combustion Turbines Market Analysis Renewables Hydroelectric Nuclear Power Materials Aging and Chemistry Equipment Reliability Nuclear Operations & Asset Management Fuel Reliability Nondestructive Evaluation Risk/Safety Mgmt Power Delivery & Markets Transmission Substations Grid Reliability Power Markets Distribution Power Quality Energy Utilization Environment Air Quality Global Climate Change Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Occupational Health & Safety Land & Groundwater Water & Ecosystems
LLW-RM Barriers/Challenges LLW and Radiation Management 1 Current Options for the Management of LLW and Radioactive Materials are not Assured nor Optimized to Meet Requirements of a Changing Environment (Low Level Waste) 2 Current Radiological Protection Strategies are Inadequate to Effectively meet Changing Future Requirements and Targets (RP2020) (Radiation Management) 3 Decommissioning Technology
LLW-RM Barriers/Challenges LLW and Radiation Management 1 Current Options for the Management of LLW and Radioactive Materials are not Assured nor Optimized to Meet Requirements of a Changing Environment (Low Level Waste) 2 Current Radiological Protection Strategies are Inadequate to Effectively meet Changing Future Requirements and Targets (RP2020) (Radiation Management) 3 Decommissioning Technology
Outline Definition of Remote Monitoring Technology (RMT) EPRI RMT Program RMT Working Group History Membership Status Radiation Protection Challenges Advanced applications of RMT 2007 RMT Survey Results
What is Remote Monitoring Technology? Remote Monitoring Technology = RMT Technology to assist personnel in performing work activities remotely. RMT has been implemented in varying degrees throughout the nuclear industry and encompasses the following technologies: Area Monitoring Telemetry Video Communications Robotics
Reduce Personnel Dose by Using RMT Radiation Protection Challenges… Reduction in available, experienced RP Techs Decreasing annual, individual exposure limits Decreasing cumulative exposure INPO goals Increased material inspection and mitigation activities Increased work activities in high radiation areas Using RMT will help… Efficiently allocate personnel resources (doing more with less) Provide an automated method to Alert Technicians to changing radiological conditions ALARA Planning Tool The success of using RMT relies on skilled RP technicians
RP Job Coverage Using RMT RP organizational change RMT Central RP Technician RP Field Technician supporting the use of RMT RMT System Administrators Full coverage vs. intermittent coverage Field Tech Central RP Tech Field Tech
Reduction in HP Dose
Use of Remote Monitoring Technology Where we are now… RMT is mainly used by the Radiation Protection organization to remotely perform job coverage. Where we want to go… Opportunities exist for extending the application of this technology to benefit all disciplines. For example, having the ability to view and communicate with the work location allows for: Direct intervention by supervision to support repairs and complex tasks. Remote assistance of personnel in adherence to plant procedures. Computer advisories of conditions directly to worker. Expanded trending of plant conditions and archiving of significant work information. Investigation of steam and liquid leak locations.
RMT Working Group Formed in 2003. Group Objectives: Promote the use of Remote Monitoring Technology for ALARA and Radiation Protection applications Standardize the use of RMT through development of industry guidelines Industry meetings Website and discuss board Peer Reviews and Assessments Provide a forum for the exchange of plant experiences Advance the capabilities of RMT through technology development and plant demonstrations Tasked by EPRI, INPO, and NEI to provide guidance and development for general technology usage.
Members of the RMT Working Group AmerenUE Nuclear Management Company Arizona Public Service Omaha Public Power District CANDU Owners Group Pacific Gas & Electric Constellation PPL Susquehanna Detroit Edison Progress Energy Dominion South Carolina Electric Duke South Texas Project EdF Southern California Edison Entergy Southern Nuclear Exelon Tennessee Valley Authority FirstEnergy TXU Generation Florida Power and Light Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp.
Status of RMT Working Group Activities Reports published to date: RMT Guidelines for Radiation Protection: Field Implementation of Remote Monitoring, 1003687, 2004 RMT Guidelines for Radiation Protection: Training and Qualification, 1011739 , 2005. Remote Monitoring Technology Interim Report: Industry Best Practices and Lessons Learned, 1013508, 2006. Technology Development/Demonstrations Integration of 3-D Scans with Real time Dose Rate Data Host: Arkansas Nuclear One, Entergy
Integration of 3-D Imaging Technology with Real-Time Dose Rate Data for Advanced Job Planning
Integration of 3-D Imaging Technology with Real-Time Dose Rate Data for Advanced Job Planning
2007 RMT Survey Overview Online survey Survey initiated June 2007 22 Questions Results gathered in June and July 28 Respondents 24 plants or companies represented - I’m going to first go over the background or motivation for this project Then I will provide high level description of some of the basic program capabilities This will include the type of liquid processing data that the program would capture, 18
Plants and Companies Represented Ginna Hatch Indian Point LaSalle McGuire Oconee Perry Pickering South Texas Project St. Lucie VC Summer Watts Bar Arkansas Nuclear One Browns Ferry Byron Callaway Catawba Diablo Canyon Dominion Dresden Edison International Exelon FENOC Fermi-2 19
- I’m going to first go over the background or motivation for this project Then I will provide high level description of some of the basic program capabilities This will include the type of liquid processing data that the program would capture, 21
- I’m going to first go over the background or motivation for this project Then I will provide high level description of some of the basic program capabilities This will include the type of liquid processing data that the program would capture, 22
- I’m going to first go over the background or motivation for this project Then I will provide high level description of some of the basic program capabilities This will include the type of liquid processing data that the program would capture, 23
Remote Monitoring System Use 24
Remote Monitoring Equipment Locations 25
Does your facility have permanent fiber penetrations into containment/drywell? 26
Non-RP Uses of Remote Monitoring 27
Summary RMT is an effective tool to supplement RP job coverage Tool to help reduce radiation exposure Increasing usage of RMT throughout U.S. Moving towards operational usage in addition to outage use Increasing monitoring of non-radiation protection related parameters Questions??