Development of Giftedness in Lithuania Eglė Sekevičiūtė Kristina Kazlauskaitė
Historically, education has been both parent and child. Children are very special people. They are different from the adults who control and describe the world, as we know it. Perhaps it is because children are necessary for the survival of our species. Children have the fundamental right to life, the same as to the education. Nowadays its very important to develop self- depending, free, self-confident, active, creative person. There are lots of things, what depends on education and using teaching methods.
Method - the way the study concept, it includes the entire system (knowledge and practice) reaching purposeful aims. It is choosing and applying the necessary conscious decision, which depends both on the operational objective, as well as experiences.
Pre-primary education Pre-school education is considered to be the first level of the school system. It caters for children from 18 months to 6 or 7 years of age. These schools (lopselis, lopselis-darzelis, darzelis-mokykla) fall under the authority of local governments. The fees parents have to pay are established by the founder.
Compulsory full-time education Phases: Primary school - 6/7-9/10 years of age; High school - general lower secondary-9/10-17/18 years of age; Gymnasium - (general lower secondary)- 14/15-17/18 years of age; Professional school - (vocational lower secondary) /17 years of age; Youth school (general lower secondary)- 11/12-22 years of age; Private school (general lower secondary)- 9/10-16/17 years of age. According to law, children can start compulsory education at the age of 6. It ends when they reach the age of 16.
The main teaching methods Verbal methods: lecturing; talking; discussion; Visual methods: demonstrating; observation; excursion; Practical methods: exercises in written form and in a word form; teaching with technical measures; science labs.
Special methods: Drama Games Improvisation Icebreakers Blind eyes
Drama With creative drama there are 3 types of activity: Beginning Medium/middle Ending Beginning creative dramas are the ones that are icebreakers and when I mean icebreakers, are the things that you do at the beginning of classes to make students more comfortable, get to know each other activities, things that are easier, simplier. Middle creative dramas are dramas, that actually teach a concept, when you are trying to teach action verbs, Ending creative drama are basically like a test: they are activities, where students can utilizes in a drama all the skills that they have learned.
Games Analogies games of the various children's pictures (in animals, plants, flowers), they are classified according to various criteria. Metaphorical game develops the imagination and sensitivity. For example, draw pictures of faces expressing different moods. While Children are listening to the sound of music, they have to choose the appropriate mood music. Paradigmatic games helps better understand the various epochs of life. For example, the children gets pictures of a particular era or architectural images of costumes. While the music of that period is playing, the children has to choose their own favorite pictures and try to play in that period of history and cultural details. These games are particularly suitable for studying the history and cultural subjects, even with pre-school age children.
Air, earth, fire and water All childrens sits or stands in a circle. One child stays in the middle of the circle, he throws the ball to any player and say "earth", "air", "fire" or "water". After hearing earth" the player must say the name of the beast or animal, "the weather" - a bird, "Water -" Fish "and" fire "- you have to be quite. You must answer until the standing child counts to 3. You can not use the same word twice. If the child dont answer until 3, he falls out of the circle. The winner is the last remaining.
Improvisation Improvisation is the practice of acting, singing, talking and reacting, of making and creating, in the moment and in response to the stimulus of one's immediate environment and inner feelings. You can use it in any lesson.
Yes, and …
Icebreakers Getting To Know You This is an ice-breaking circle game which will help kids get to know each other quickly.Getting To Know You Children (and adults) stand in a circle. An adult starts off the game by throwing a beanbag or ball at someone in the circle and asking a question at the same time - such as "What's your name?", "Do you have a brother or sister?", "What's your favourite colour?" and so on. The person who catches the beanbag/ball must answer the question and then throw it on and ask their own question. The game works best if you keep it moving quite quickly, so you may have to step in to prod very young children.
Blind game This game is good for literature and geography, and ethical lessons. "Blind" (a child with a blindfold or scarf on childs eyes) leads the other. They need to overcome obstacles such as: climbing, various barriers, and et.. Everything depends from your friend: do you trust this friend or not. After the game you have to discuss about what you felt when you couldnt see anything, but you still could felt things around you. Conclusion: In our life, friend means a lot…
Blinded eyes
While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about. Angela SchwindtWhile we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about. Angela Schwindt